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  1. I too have a softener, and since there seems to be no *clear* answer, out of caution I bypass it before adding to the tank. Since the entire hot water heater is filled with soft water, I have to bypass the cold line, fill my buckets, let sit a day to come close to tank temp, then I use a cheap submersible pump to get the water to the tank. It’s actually not that bad, and hopefully with a planted tank my changes will be less frequent. I’ve considered bypassing and then taking a long shower to empty the softened hot water tank so I could more easily re-fill with the Python and temperature-adjusted water, but then I couldn’t pre-Prime the new water without dosing the entire tank (which, honestly is there any reason to condition my water if there is no chlorine or nitrates out of the tap? What heavy metals could be in my water that I wouldn’t want in a planted tank, that Prime would neutralize?)
  2. Hello! First post, been taking in as much of ACO videos and content as possible and they've inspired me to dive into trying my hand at plants! I am hoping for some general direction so I give my greens a great beginning. First, my setup: -3-month seasoned 90-gallon with 2, 3" goldfish -7.5 pH, 68*F, hard well water -large river rock substrate -Aqueon OptiBright Max 48" -Emperor 400 HOB with only ACO coarse foam in the bays and coarse pre-filter -Nitrates ~40ppm after 30% monthly water change, using Prime to condition -Glass starting to get algae due to proximity to window (will darken soon; hoping snails help) I have coming this week: -3, Black Racer Nerites 1 each of the following: -Java Fern -Java Fern Windelov -Crinum Calamistratum -Water Sprite -Red Dwarf Lily -Anubias Barteri -Anubias Nana petite (two) -Dwarf Red Parrot's Feather -Bucephalandra -Susswassertang (mat) -Taiwan Moss (mat) -Christmas Moss (mat) I also have rocks and mopani wood that I will attach the rhizome plants to. Given the above, what should I be aiming for starting out in terms of lighting duration, fertilizer amount/frequency (have Easy Green and tabs on hand) and anything else to look out for with a newly planted tank? I'm trying not to freak out, and I know it will be a learning curve. Any and all words of wisdom would be welcome 🙂 Thanks for a fantastic forum, James
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