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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. Yes once a fish is dead frequently the other tank mates will treat it as food. However the issue is long term the dynamics isn't great. Did this 'beneficial bacteria' you squirted into the tank come from a package or do you mean you rinsed a filter in the tank. If it came from a package there was another user who on these forums who reported that after using such a product all their fishes died in a few hours.


    At this point if you have sachem prime or similar on hand I would put in a few drops to help neutralize the nitrite and ammonia (if there is any). If the nitrite levels are above 0.5ppm it could be fairly serve depending on exact level. At this point i would leave all the fishes in the tank since you have no place to put them and try to get this tank cycled. With the established sponge filter it shouldn't take more than 3 or 4 days with slight blips in ammonia and nitrite that sachem prime (or similar) can neutralize.


    With regards to your QT tank - one thing you should do is measure your tap water. It is not uncommon for tap water to contain some level of nitrate or similar. There should be no ammonia in the qt tank in most situations until you actually add something that produces ammonia (like fish). Even then it won't be instant but certainly after 24 hours you might notice a little depending on number of fishes and water volume. 


    I personally never use 'live bacteria' and there has been some research on effectiveness. There is one specific type that is suppose to be very good and several types that are hogwash (basically does nothing) and several that can be not so healthy for the fishes. Alas while I skimmed several articles on the matter i paid little attention to the details like brands since i never use the stuff. 


    The tank itself looks like a decent layout it is just feels a bit small for the cory and borelli to live in peace esp if you plan on breeding the broelli.

  2. A couple of things - in addition to perhaps a problem with the tank not being cycled (you can determine such by measuring the ammonia  and nitrite) the other issue is a 10g might be fine for breeding a pair of borelli but it is not suitable for breeding and tank mates. The cory should be removed and it wouldn't hurt to remove the endler. Also if the borelli do breed you need to be prepared to remove the male.

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  3. 43 minutes ago, Zoidar said:


    I realized you edited out your statement but unless every fish is infected i would treat the ill fishes in a pail and not the entire tank. The reason for this is in my experience is the tank is healthy only a few fishes will get ick (usually newly purchased ones) and the rest will stay ick free. The treatment is invasive and so it is best to only threat the group of sick fishes. Naturally if full tank is infected and most fishes have ick then the entire tank will need to be treated. 


    But as i said there are a couple of diseases that look a little similar to ick (white spots) but are not ick so make sure you are treating the right disease before you begin.

  4. I'm planning two builds of around 400 gallons and these are my desired tank. One will be very similar to my 120 (attached) but larger. I.e, stocking will be some number angels, tetra (not cardinals as seen i the picture since they are terrified of the angels), loaches, cory and pleco. The specific numbers will probably change but approx the following:

    40 to 50 black neon tetra

    40 to 50 lemon tetra

    10 to 15 angelfishes

    4 electric blue acara (maybe might eat black neon)

    10 clown loaches

    6 yoyo loaches (left over not buying more)

    10 to 20 zebra loaches (a wonderful fish)

    some cory - probably eques and around 10 to 20. 

    5 sae

    8 L 204

    2 lemon bn

    a few other random pleco - probably a couple of blue phantom


    I'll probably adjust the final numbers quite a bit so take it with a grain of salt


    Another build i am considering will be a warmer tank (82-84) and will have 

    5 to 10 winemillere geo

    5 to 10 threadfin acara

    10 to 20 rams (mostly gold but some gbr and electric blue)

    30 to 50 cardinal tetra

    10 to 30 sterbai cory


    Anyway i still have about 12 months from my build but those are my current thoughts. The 120 i mentioned above:




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  5. Keep an eye on the krib if you get one they can sometime be a bit aggressive to other bottom dwellers. Most kribs will hang out in the lower region of the tanks - mine rarely go above 5 inches of a 24 inch tall tank....

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  6. On 5/5/2021 at 10:50 PM, Gator said:

    xXInkedPhoenixX, I've decided not to put my Buddha in a tank, He's nestled among an artificial flower arrangement on the top shelf of a steel shelving system and it just feels like He belongs there, but I'm going to start looking for another one, maybe smaller.

    I had a working cell phone until 4-24 when the battery died. On 4-26 I called the company from my landline to request a replacement and I expected to have to pay for it. It turned out that I'd had my cell phone for almost 4 years and the replacement would be free, I liked that. My new cell phone arrived on 4-28 so I call them to activate the phone, still no fee. I called 4 times on 4-28 to get this phone activated, 3 on 4-29, and once on 4-30. A friend pointed out to me that they had sent me a 4G cell phone with a 5G SIM card and there is no 5G network anywhere in WV ( yeah, WV has always been 20 to 30 years behind the rest of the country). I called them back on 5-3 and after a great deal of discussion that led me to ask to speak to a supervisor to request a 4G SIM card for this phone. I hoped that it would have arrived today but maybe tomorrow.

    I lived in Japan for 3 yrs when I was younger and I was taught the concept of Feng Shui, the arrangement of buildings, trees, and roadways in order to allow the dragon direct, straight-line access to the ocean. I've never gotten it right, but it seems as if you've got it down pat.

    I lived in Florida off and on for 44 years; first in Shalimar which at the time was all swamp and pretty much still is, then in Fort Walton Beach, then Jacksonville, then Tampa (hated it), then spent 24 years in Orlando. I can tell you things about Florida that will make you say "Wow," "No way," "That's spooky," or "Really."

    Tell your friend that in 1850, the Everglades extended as far north as Michigan Street in Orlando and included all of the Kissimmee River lakes, all of the Boggy Creek lakes which covered all of Orlando International Airport, all of the Shingle Creek lakes which covered Universal Studios, all of I-Drive, and all of Sea World, but also included all of the Reedy Creek lakes which covered most of Disney World.

    I thought you may like this little bit of Florida history and I've got more, and most of it is just as surprising.

    Your tank looks great, keep up the good work.


    Who is your cell provider ? There is no such thing as a 4g and 5g sim. The sim card authorized the phone to the wireless network. The phone hardware determines if it can use 5g network. I've used the same sim card in my current phone as my old phone and the old phone before that old phone. As long as the sim card is the correct size that is all that matters.

  7. 15 minutes ago, SWilson said:

    @anewbie that is a very cool tank!  Is the psychedelic color look from your lights?  If so, what lights are you using? 

    @benchilton oohhh yes, at least where I am (Bay Area, CA) Petco is having the sale...what I was told is that it is no longer $1 per gallon, but a number of tanks (I think, 10s, 20s, 40b, 55, and 75) are 50% off.  I dunno if that change is permanent or just right now.  For some of the sizes it does end up being equivalent to $1 per gal, or close.  Happy shopping!! 😛 

    It was a 12 inch black box from nilgoc. This is a super bright light around 400 par at the bottom of the tank. It was a test. I've now changed the light (about a week ago) to a 12 inch wrgb2 and should probably take an updated picture. The reason you are seeing the 'psychedelic' colours is due the coarsness of the led in the black box and proxmity to the tank (sitting on top). I've been running tests with different equipment to decide what i want to use a for a 400 gallon tank i will setup next year. 

    • Like 1
  8. Does anyone know the correct instructions for using przipro ? I'm treating a fish in a 5 gallon pail with approx 2 1/2 gallons of water. I added 1/8 tsp. 


    Now my question is when do  i do a second dosage and when can i do a water change. Do i add a dosage every day or do i wait 3-5 days and then do a water change and add a second dosage if needed ?

  9. There are no clear rules here - a bit depends on the filtration and how clean you keep the water whether it be via water changes or some other method.


    As a general rule a 5 gallon tank is a bit small for pygmy but since you already have 3 i would get 2 to 4 more since they do require a larger group. So why is the 5 gallon tank not the best size because  - they do like to swim a bit and a 5 is a bit cramp. Most sites recommend a 10 gallon.


    As for the 1 inch rule - it is a novice way of guessing how much bioload and space a tank has but it doesn't really work that well as some small fishes have a high bio load, extreme requirement for pure water or are hyper active and need a lot of swimming space and some larger fishes just kind of sit still most of the day doing nothing. 


    Anyway you have 3 so adding a few more isn't going to make matter worse since the bio load is light and the fishes will be 'happier' to be in a larger group. 


    You should periodically monitor your nitrate level - maybe once every 6 or 12 weeks just to make sure it doesn't continuously drift higher. If it gets above 40 or so you might consider water changes to bring it back down.

    • Like 4
  10. Probably - some would argue the finnex and beamworks are just as good and they are a bit less expensive. You have to go to around $300+ to get the next level above fluval (wrgb2, twinstar 9000). The other approach is using several flood lights - they are like $20 a pop and you would probably want 4. They come at different spectrum include some rgb models. The catch is you would want to hang them but most are either ip66 or ip68 since they are designed to work outside in the rain....

  11. This is my 5 gallon tank. It has measured sub 5 nitrate - probably around 1 or 2 for the past 6 months. Stocking is 6 neon 4 ember 15 mystery snails and some number of shrimps (shrimps aren't doing well in this tank). There are two speculations for low nitratre: anaerobic activity in the substrate and root floaters which grow massive in this tank (my water lettuce are blooming!):



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  12. crypt flamingo is a tough one - i had one once but it didn't do well. The pinto anubia - i have a few of those and they grow really fast - very nice plant - i also have a white anubia and it doesn't grow much - not really worth the money since the pinto i have is putting out mostly white leaves with a few dark green ones. Really like that plant - btw if it gets really happy it will send out a few flowers.


    I am curious about why you do frequent water changes if the tank is mostly just plants ? Is it to ensure a known amount of fertilizer and is that necessary ?

  13. 25 minutes ago, Cyndi said:

    Is this the one? I like this one because it has different sized tubes. It fits my FX 4 perfectly. I only need to clean mine about once a month, but each person’s set-up is different!


    Yes that is hte one i use. It is a wee bit flimsy so be sure to not force the plastic in any way (it is brittle and people complain of it breaking but mine has not broken in a year usage).

  14. Like wise i put on a prefilter - in my case i have to clean it twice a week - I used a "filter max pre-filter iii"that has a plastic tube that will fit on the injest tube.


    I know that aquarium coop sells a prefilter sponge but no clue if it fits. 


  15. 4 hours ago, Melissa Ann said:

    @anewbie - agreed.  This ended up being an usual situation. I had planned on pulling the eggs and putting in another tank.  How frequent on water changes?  Daily?

    Once you start feeding the frys then you will need to do 'daily' water changes. I would not actually change the water per sey I would use a turkey blaster to suck out uneaten food and dead frys and then replace that water - then do a water change a couple of times a week - maybe 30% depending on size of container. 


    The biggest problem is decaying food - and if a few die decaying frys - they frys themselves don't actually produce much waste - just try to not overfeed...

  16. One thing i did want to suggest - is many of the fishes you are mentioning are more common - and there is nothing wrong with that - but if you want to a bit more bold there are 100's of pleco and probably as many tetra that are worth exploring. This doesn't even begin to touch rasbora or rainbow fishes and then there are loaches. For example instead of getting larger cory for a tank - you could get 10 zebra loaches (these are extremely gentle fishes that are not too large - around 3.5 inches long but narrow) - just don't put them with your snails 😉


    Then for tetra i wouldn't know where to begin with alternative suggestions - the only thing to be aware of is the temp they require and there are a few that you don't want near plants as they are big plants eaters but beyond that they come in all shapes and sizes. There are lemon tetra, black neon tetra, congo tetra, redtail hemiodus tetra (which are quite pretty), phantom tetra (black, red, white), blood fin tetra, rummy nose tetra (actually 3 different species are frequently called rummy nose), emperor, flame tetra, blue tetra (another lovely fish if you can find it), rainbow tetra, bucktooth tetra (think mini pirana - definitely not friendly), ....


    Well i'm not going to start on rasbora or rainbows though i will mention that my army of kubotai are amusing. 


    Anyways just some ideas - if you want to experiment. One more picture and then i will go away - i figure pictures might give you some different ideas but maybe they are just annoying:



  17. Hello. I remember you. So i'm not sure if you are asking for alternative stocking or comments on your current stocking. I will say that one thing you are missing is a dwarf cichlid tank. There are some amazing apistogramma to choose from depending on your expert level and your interest. One that I like a lot are nijenssi another are Elizabeth but these are more difficult fishes esp if you intend to breed them. There are easier ones such are Borelli and Hongsoli is somewhere inbetween. For dithers pencil fishes are common with them. If you wish to breed them cory can be a dice roll - the issue is they have to be aggressive enough to protect the eggs but not so aggressive there is an issue. Of course i just mentioned apistogramma - there are tons of other non-apistogramma dwarf cichlid such as rams, acara, and as many words as i can type in a day (ok maybe not that many but at least as many as i would spell correctly). 


    I've become very fond of pygmy cory and otto and a tank with 20 of each would be amusing but that might not be your style 😉

    A 20 long would work for most aspito (just that some are harem and some are strickly m:f so you need to do a bit of understanding before picking). 


    As for your current stockings - well it is a personal thing but i've never been in love with large tanks with a single fish - i always want a whole fleet of fishes - but that is a personal thing - this is my 120 to give you an idea:









    Even when i get a tiny tank (this is a 5 gallon) it ends up a mess:





    Anyway there are so many species of freshwater fishes and so many species of plants we can mix and match that each tank can be a planted forest with fishes weaving in and out and not share anything in common with the tank next to it.




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