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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. On 8/2/2021 at 11:35 AM, Jungle Fan said:

    The 4th edition of Christel Kasselmann's book "Aquarium plants" of which I have the German edition, the English version is available from her on her web site, has a nice section on Anubias, their origins, when they were discovered, or created, and each species particulars in regards to description, culture, ecology, and other specifics; altogether 14 pages with photos of each.  


    Do you know how much changes between editions and how frequent there is a new edition ?

  2. Depends on your motivation for breeding them. I will say that zebra and those related to zebra are very hard to breed and bn and those related to bn are very easy to breed. Personally I like L204 and L397.

  3. This morning I did the usual water changes on my 120,29,29 - with an extra big water change on my 120. However - as usual the more interesting discovery was made in the 40B. I discovered these (first picture is before i took a show; second is after):






    Well you have the advantage of enlargements that clearly show my oto have been misbehaving. When I first walked by i thought it might be a guppy fry trapped or dead. Then i looked closer... these guy are about 3/4 of an inch so I guess this means that oto fry don't require much extra care... I have no clue how many might be in the tank - could be just these two or could be 1000's....


    Is there even a small chance i am mistaken and they are bn pleco fry ?



  4. On 7/29/2021 at 4:30 PM, Patrick_G said:

    I’m just thinking out loud here. The ADA soil and the Tannins both lower PH but you could still do Caridina and Corydoras. I think I’d be a little concerned about getting lights to the plants at 24” but you could always do epiphytes higher up. If you’re thinking Pygmy Cories then you could stick with the Nano fish theme and get a big school of Green Neons. Another fish I’m currently interested in is the Gold Clown Barb, a tiny peaceful barb. It would look good flashing around in the dark water and contrast with the neons. 


    He would have to drop the idea of keeping even one discus as the pygmy prefer cooler waters while discus very hot.

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  5. On 7/29/2021 at 4:03 PM, Kittkat1981 said:

    Cardina prefer 6 to 7.5 ph with 3 to 6 dkh. And 1 to 3 dgh.    also have neo cardina shrimp thriving in another tank I have.  Tank numbers are 6.8 ph 3dkh 4 dgh. 80 degrees.  I have this tank "dark" but it was originally a very bright and highly planted angel tank.  Now.  Not so much.  The idea for the new tank is to be a darkwater tank set up from the start. Which is something I've never done.  I've seen a bunch of dark tanks with no plant life. Havnt seen any that are med hev  planted like im wanting to do. Correct me if this isn't possible. And the only reason I argue is because of all the conflicting info I'm finding. IE why I'm here. Lol

    blackwater environment typically have kh/gh between 0-1 and ph is frequently below 6; but with such low conductivity the meaning of ph is frequently loss.

  6. On 7/28/2021 at 2:06 PM, Patrick_G said:

    The Cardinals look great against the greenery. What do you have in the right corner? Is it a matten type filter? 

    Yes. It was actually purchased at swisstropical and they call it a corner matten filter; most people make their own but it was easier for me to have him cut the braces and i was in a hurry.... The tank has been setup for about 2 years; well actually being an aqueon tank it sprung a leak after a year and i had to replace the tank but i removed the braces from the old tank and glued them into the new tank (same sponge). The only stocking in the tank that is close to 2 years are the kuhli loaches and sterbai cory. Yea there are 7 kuhli and 7 sterbai in that tank - guess how many you can find...

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  7. Did the usual wednesday water changes on my white 29, black 29 and 120. Here is the 29 white. I had purchased 10 cardinals from wetspot last week for the 120 but they were angelfish snack size so i put them in the 29 for now... The hongsloi was not super pleased but he is mostly tolerant. That tank is a bit crowded now as it has approx 31 fishes. How many can you find ?



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  8. The fluval definitely has a negative with regards to sizing for 30 inch tanks and it would be nice if they added another model to their lineup since that is such a popular tank size (29 gallon and 20 long). Also the fluval really hurts in the price department but it has some advantages including water proof (mentioned by @James Black); 3 year warranty, fuller spectrum which helps a lot both in terms of some plant growth and pleasing visual. I'm not sure how the par compares between the two lights but the fluval while not weak should be a bit stronger for the price point. 

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  9. On 7/26/2021 at 11:33 AM, Patrick_G said:

    @anewbie, It’s really interesting how they grow differently in different situations. My wife’s 6.8 gallon Betta tank is tightly sealed with plastic wrap to keep the dwarf frogs from escaping and must have a high humidity at the surface. The water lettuce in that tank grows huge and is dark green. My guppy tub out in the sun grows medium size and a pale green. Our other tanks are somewhere in the middle of the two. 

    I think the colour bit might depend on light level. Plants adjust to either absorb more or less light as needed.

  10. On 7/26/2021 at 10:09 AM, Patrick_G said:

    I’ve have the roots on my floaters die off for no apparent reason. Some of the leaves died too, but they eventually recovered. This was before I was using East green so I sort of thought it was from lack of nutrients. 

    Bit surprise; i grew some in a pail for 6 months and didn't use any fertilizer; roots reached all the way to the bottom (over 18 inch).... But i did use an extremely strong flood light so they got plenty of light.

  11. Last summer I bred my angels and kept 8; so now i'm tight on tank space but my lemon blue eye keeps laying eggs so maybe one day i'll snatch them and hatch them; and I'd love to breed my Laetacara araguaiae but I think they need near black water to breed. Next summer I will move and be able to expand my measly 200 (5 tanks) gallon of tank space into 2000 (10 tanks) tank space and I'll have some ro water available so my next set of fishes to breed will be the araguaiae, nijjensi and elizabeth. That'll keep me busy for a bit.

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