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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. if custom made get a sump; a sump can be something like a 40b but the tank needs to be drilled and have overflow - jebao dcp pumps are whisper quiet.


    I've had eheim 2017 and fluval fx6 and dislike both for various reasons. For anything less than 100 gallons i'd just do a matten filter (larger sponge with lots of water flow).


  2. On 6/29/2023 at 12:43 PM, Dork Fish said:

    My 2 questions are:

    1) If the PH is raised by Seiryu Stone, will aqua soil and plants be enough to lower the PH without dosing?

    2) What is the difference between the Blue seiryu stone and black mountain seiryu stone? You would think it would be the color but all pictures that I have seen of the two look identical (could just be cameras, lighting, etc.). If anyone has either of these and could share what they look like in the water, I would be grateful. 🙂

    This is not a good way to think things. The actual ph of the water is for the most part little importance to the fish - though some fishes can't tolerate extreme (like keeping cardinals at 8.5 ph); having said that the problem is why the ph rises and that is what should concern you - worse is if the two are 'cancelling' each other out what sort of chemical reaction is taking place in the water should be the concern.

  3. On 6/28/2023 at 12:29 PM, TOtrees said:

    um... no? 

    Fire red is a variety of the agassizii species, one of many (including alenquer). All fire reds are agassiziis, but not all agassiziis are fire reds. Unless you're buying from people who don't understand naming and how to keep their lineages clean. 

    I'm not going to respond further other than to say you are mistaken. Fire red is an arbitrary name used to describe a particular colour morph that shows up in the trade. Further more fire red applies to many species of fishes as the seller decides to apply it when they sell the fish. It is true that not all Agassiz are red; some are blue; some are purple and some are red but genetically they are all the same fish. If you look on a seller website you might find 'fire red' stuck in front of a fish species; but then again I can sell you some wonderful fire red angelfishes and fire red guppies. 


    Don't confuse a trade name with a species.

  4. I'm not sure i would put in either hillstream loach or panda garras. I have a group of panda garras in my 40B and they are not bad fishes but they are a little annoying and pesty. I suspect the other fishes you have would not appreciate such a boisterous fish.


    SAE i would be a little concern in your aquarium. These fishes are quite larger as adults but they move extremely fast and your aquarium offers very little room for them to er zoom across. Also while you can keep a single one (I have); they are similar to other cat fishes and prefer large groups (something your aquarium most definitely could not support). Also they are sort of an odd fish out - being a giant among a bunch of smaller fishes. I know you want a 'center piece' but these guys are not oppose to hiding and will frequently be found in areas along the edges grazing. They don't really fit your typical 'center piece' fish that stays out in the open looking pretty all day long. Oh and they most definitely are not interactive. 

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  5. On 6/28/2023 at 10:30 AM, Lennie said:

    Dude I just wanted to text it in short,, I showed I mean agassizii fire reds 3 times above. You even said you would choose borelliis and macmasteriis over them above. I know fire red is not a species at this point :')


    I use catappa leaf in all tanks of mine. I can surely add botanicals. I have banana plants in my garden which are never exposed to chemicals. Maybe a banana leaf too? I also have some alder cones, not a fan myself so sitting unused in general. I can also get walnut tree leaves and oak tree leaves. That's all I can get my hands on

    agassizii is shorter than fire red and that is the species; the term 'fire red' is not part of the species name - it is mumble jumble the seller added to the name to get you to pay more.

  6. fire red is not a species - so i have no clue what species  'fire red' represents. ph is irrelevant if the water has no kh but tds would be helpful. If you use 'pure' ro water you want a lot of biotanicals to stablize the water - stuff like captcha leaves though there are cheaper alternatives. Also over time they decay - leave them in the tank after they decay - don't feel like you need to vacuum them out during water changes as it is actually beneficial.

  7. If the ones you chose are pair forming like nijjensi complex then i think the tank is fine; but if a polygamous species i would have more barriers for the fishes to hide. Also color morph like red neck, gold, ... are completely arbitrary. There is no species like 'gold' mac - a mac is a mac is a mac and one can assign the colour to it as they see fit. Having said that you might ask the seller why they look gold - if it is a small breeder he might have red neck but when bred they produced a gold and he is using the name that was assigned to the parent (not saying this is the case). 

    Some names are not colour but actual species or catch location - like netz.


    Some species require the water be lower ph and lower tds for the eggs to hatch than other species. I didn't see your water parameters. If this is your first time i'd start with a more docile species like mac or borelli over trifs or agasizz which can be quite aggressive with regards to m/f behavior. Having said that even a female borelli might kill the male if there isn't enough cover for him to hide.

  8. There is no right answer here - it depends on your tank and the fishes you have. Some fishes find current intolerable - the other the more the merrier - only you can determine if you need the current to cover the entire top or if you need less current in certain areas.

  9. On 6/8/2023 at 1:34 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

    All that work and 2 fry hahaha! Is there a chance more will hatch?

    2 every month would be 240 after 10 years; quite a bit for such a small aquarium 😉


    • Haha 2
  10. The top one looks like a panda; a fish with 'blue' has pinoy gene - i find angels with this gene tend to have more defects if not directly then in off springs; but it is a popular mutation.


    Here is a list of some genes for angelfish and how combination produces different colours:



    and another one:



    There is a calculator somewhere that shows the results of mixing genes in different combinations. Angelfish is a popular fish for cross breeding different genetics to produce 'new' colour morphs.

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  11. Female will decide when it is time to breed - this presume male is mature - when the female is ready she will signal him and take him to a cave somewhere. In the worse case the male will attack the female to drive her out of his 'territory' until she is interested to breed but this 'attacking' highly depend upon individual fishes (though some species are more aggressive than others). If you notice this don't be alarm but make sure you have places where the female can hide and not be seen.

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  12. On 6/25/2023 at 2:30 PM, Odd Duck said:

    Yes.  😂 🤣  

    It seems the thread has taken on its own stream of consciousness.  Sometimes the hivemind drives the thread.  [See what I did there? Bzzzz.]

    @Biotope Biologist, it’s funny, but I’ve either never heard that drivel of “a fish has no triggers to stop eating” or I just ignored that nonsense so well I had forgotten it.  It’s true that fish will overeat but not to the point of sudden death.  It can eventually catch up to them with disease secondary to obesity, but no such thing as acute death from eating appropriate, non-toxic, digestible food.  Moldy or otherwise toxic food (don’t eat pufferfish, kids) or foreign bodies (including spiky tank mates in this category) being a potential exception.

    I hadn’t even considered that people might have thought about overfeeding in any way other than rotting food or excess fish poop polluting the water for causing acute death.  Chronic overeating is a different story.

    Just remember no matter how hungry or well fed you are eating live catfishes is dangerous to your health as many fishes have learned the hard way; and for many the last lesson on what to eat....

  13. Most canister fillters require gravity to feed the water and putting them at tank level or above will put a lot of strain on the motor if they function at all. zoo med has a filter that I think will work at tank level but not sure it will work above tank level. Sponge fitlers or matten filters might work (depending on your 'personal reasons'). I'm a fan of matten filters and will use them on anything below 100 gallons. A matten filter is just a large sponge filter.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Mmiller2001 said:


    My understanding of the moss balls, they can become the plague like duckweed 😆



    Yea but unlike duckweed I think it is actually quite good in many ways - my frys love hiding in the stuff for example and the shrimps find lots of yummies in it. Not saying there will come a time when it drives me mad - but if this is the rate of progress after 2 years i can live with it - duck weed only took a few weeks to make me ill and months to remove.

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