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Posts posted by anewbie

  1. On 12/13/2023 at 11:17 AM, jwcarlson said:

    I assure you that I am not trying to be argumentative.  But they don't find basically any of the stuff that Weiss was talking about in the digestive tracts of wild fishes either... lab grown algae... wheat gluten...  It's difficult to start talking about doing things "by nature" when what we're doing to these pieces of nature we own is not natural at all.  Weiss also talked about mussels being one of the best fish foods... how much clam meat is your average wild discus eating?

    Beefheart certainly fouls water quickly, but feeding any food at appropriate levels for growing discus fouls the water which is why water changes are so important.  I think a good number of people buy adult more or less fully grown discus and keep them some way and then assume that tracks for that fish from fry to adult, but no one reallly thinks that about any other fish because we typically don't buy many fish that need to grow for 18-24 months.  And discus are kind of in this in between where they're not "monster fish", but they're also not your typical nano/community fish.  But their appearance draws people who want them to fill that planted community tank role and for the vast majority of people, they cannot just be kept that way successfully long-term.

    If we want to get down to brass tacks, there's not really any plants where a lot of the fish in the hobby come from either, but that doesn't and shouldn't stop us from keeping them that way.  I think we get a bit into of a weird place where we draw boxes around things like "I want to feed my fish naturally" and then ignore that every single thing we do to them is not natural at all.  We can, in some ways, try our best to mimic that, but as a rule it's either impossible, impractical, or in a lot of cases irresponsible because we cannot mimic all of the other things occuring in nature and that might put our fish at risk.

    I am also a beekeeper and there's plenty of round-and-round about "natural" beekeeping at least here in the US.  Animals requirements change when we domesticate them, full stop.  I mean, we have domesticated and selected some animals so much that they aren't even able to reproduce without our intervention anymore.


    Anyway, I don't want to derail this thread anymore, so I'll be quiet.  😄

    I don't disagree with anything you said 'cept that a biologist could chime in on family of foods. I.e, the relationship of wheat to other plants and meat to other protiens like insects.


    After i wrote the above i did a bit of searching and it seems like fishes don't digest wheat; it is just a cheap binder/filler - take this with a grain of salt since i'm unsure of the accuracy of the comment.




    I usually buy my angelfishes as dime size or raise them from frys and it takes 6 to 12 months before i can decide if i want to keep individuals or give them to the petshop - any my a. p. frys took 6 to 9 months to mature - very slow growing; so i'm not sure. As for food i intend to try plant based stuff and black worms (or freeze-dried black worms) and we shall see how it goes; in theory the blackworms won't pollute the water that badly - a fellow i know who feeds live blackworms to his discus sez he only water change twice a week (he is an importer of wc discus). Still it would be nice for a true biologist to chime in on these matters but i suppose the number of biologist who study freshwater fishes is probably pretty slime and breeders and such objective sometimes side track important issues like overall health; after all many bred fishes are so inbred for colours they are total mess-up health-wise from their wc counter parts.


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  2. On 12/13/2023 at 8:46 AM, Katherine said:

    I had wondered about that. I thought maybe it was a joke I didn't quite get.

    My cat has been trying to eat fish food lately too. I've been putting it in a plastic bin with a lid.

    Well when i was a kid the cat had to eat fish food since the dog ate all the cat food 😉


    • Haha 3
  3. On 12/12/2023 at 6:48 PM, anewbie said:

    I am unaware of him having a web page; it was more or less something that came up when i told someone meat is not good for discus; specifically beef heart which was made popular before biologists stepped in (many years later after it became popular).

    There is actually a long debate the impact of beef-heart. Also some folks claim marc weiss was trying to sell his own product. Some things that did come out in the text i read  is that clean water is extremely important for these fishes and beefheart pollutes the water very quickly in various ways (even if the fish eats most of it); it is indeed fatty and some folks have tried turkey-heart as a leaner meat. protein is good for fast growth and excess size (key ingrediants for breeding farms); but this isn't really a requirement for the home. Discus have done well on Marc's diet but how to evaluate 'better' is relative. If you do feed beef heart expect to do daily near 100% water changes (farms will do 100% water changes 2 or 3 times a day); there is an open question of the impact on fat with the some people claiming it reduce the fish life span and overall health and others saying it is insignificant issue - i'm not sure if there is a conclusion here but biologist definitely don't find beef heart in the disgestive track of wild fishes 😉


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  4. On 12/12/2023 at 3:35 PM, Guppysnail said:

    @anewbie does this guy sell foods?  If he has a webpage can you direct message it to me please?

    I am unaware of him having a web page; it was more or less something that came up when i told someone meat is not good for discus; specifically beef heart which was made popular before biologists stepped in (many years later after it became popular).

    • Thanks 1
  5. I should take another picture - maybe tomorrow or the next day - overnight 80% of the algae broke down into basically nothingness - this current thing seems to make it feel uncomfortable in its skin - sort of like when you put salt on a slug.


    The angelfishes are not too happy with it; but at least 'their' corner is current free so they have a place to retreat when not eating. They are such a lovely pair i should move them to another aquarium and let them breed without nasty festum eating their eggs.


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  6. On 12/11/2023 at 10:25 AM, gjcarew said:

    Well if you want it to look short and sickly for months, you could try uprooting it.

    In all seriousness that tends to happen in lower light. High light makes crypts lay wide and flat 

    i'm not sure what to think the pink jacboii is high but the nurii rosen is laying flat; the light is only at 55% maybe i should up it a little or maybe a tall jacboii is worth no algae? What do you think - if i raise the light will things grow better or will algae find a home? 

    btw everything was uprooted sept 10th when i moved the aquarium; alas that didn't dent it. Dang weed i should pull them all out.


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  7. On 12/10/2023 at 7:24 PM, sairving said:

    I setup my UNS 60S last weekend. The build quality is amazing. My only gripe is the official lid is a piece of glass. It keeps the cat out but is a pain for feeding. 

    You could slice it in 1/2 and put in a hinge; well would need to trim it down a little for the space the hinge takes. Really weird they don't hinge their lid; did they at least give you a handle to plop it off ?


  8. On 12/10/2023 at 1:06 PM, sairving said:

    @anewbie last winter I had an Aqueon tank crack from the top rim to the bottom rim during a water change. A minor tap with the python resulted in a massive crack. At least the water didn't leak out immediately. 

    yea; they really suck all around; on the one hand they are dirt cheap with the only real alternative is to spend 4 x on a custom aquarium. Still i think going forward i'm going to limit myself to 10s and 20 long aqueon; just tired of cleaning up the mess when they fail.

  9. On 11/29/2023 at 5:04 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

    I like Aqueon forge. It has two sizes. Each size can accommodate a smaller tank on the bottom. The ones I have hold a 10g and a 5.5g. There is a stand one size up from that. For larger tanks, some folks are using garage shelves. But they need a little decor or something to look nice inside the home. Maybe wrap vines around the tall beams.


    There is a panel above the bottom tank that flips up for maintenance. It is flipped up in the photo.

    I have one of those for my 29; the one with this fish:



    I'm mixed on it; i mean it works and it is level but it was a few dollars more than the less level less steady metal stand petco sells. It is all a trade off; there is a type of mdf used in construction that is 100% water proof; also expensive and to my knowledge not used in stands because stands with mdf are made as cheap as cheap can be. After all it isn't their floor that will get flooded...


    When i was in college many years ago i had a used tank on a used stand (something like 75 but not exactly); the stand was just 2x4's hand made but not finished; and it kind of rocked back and forth but the tank never broke (nor the stand); of course the tank itself looked home made and well made. These days aqueon tanks will split if you just look at them wrong - how things have changed - since i had that tank before the internet well i guess i'll blame the internet 😉


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  10. On 12/7/2023 at 5:08 PM, Guppysnail said:

    Standoff is a good way to describe the boy curviceps. The girl is friendly to me.  The other girl was super friendly and decided a German Blue Ram was her mate. Spawned then tried to bully the ram into fertilizing.  This was a temporary holding tank for both. After he left she became huge with eggs. I put her in with a male dorsigera for fear of her getting egg bound and I was male heavy. (Intent to destroy eggs never produce hybrids)  No deal. She beat the tar out of him and he was larger. I threw her in with the group of them and the entire group hid in the corner. 

    The curviceps pair I have now are separated because he beat her up even though they were spawning regular. 

    All in all personality wise I prefer the dorsigera. Friendly vs cranky and moody. I don’t ever see the playfulness from the curviceps either.
    Mine are the more blue but to me look nothing like the dorsigera and prettier than others I’ve seen. Pretty does not mean interesting to me. 

    Dorsigera are farm raised curviceps tank raised. 

    My curviceps are tank raised (from wetspot) but no clue where they import them from; my other to l's are wc; the thayeri are like feed me feed me 24 hours a day but when i'm not feeding them they spend the day chasing each other. Not sure what is going on with the tank - even the reclusive fishes are begging for food in the morning - maybe i don't feed them enough ?


    • Haha 1
  11. On 12/7/2023 at 4:02 PM, Guppysnail said:

    I also have L curviceps. I ordered curviceps so I could get a mate for my girl and the company in Florida sent me dorsigera. That’s how I ended with both. Honestly for personality color changes and displays to watch I like the dorsigera better. 

    How do they differ personality wise and are they both tank raised or wc ?


    Colour wise yea i have to agree so far the curviceps are kind of bleh. Seriously fish mentioned two strains of tank raised ones - the asian ones (which look an awful lot like dorsigera in colour) and the danish ones which look like mine. Oh well i only have 4; when they die in 50 years i'll put a nicer looking something in there. I would not be shocked if the asian one is a hybrid of some sort. At least one of the wc thayeri looks spectacular - i should get a picture of it - the more i want to take a picture the less it wants to be photo'ed. Hum... To be honest i haven't noticed any real personality with my curviceps other than being stand-off-ish. They don't really want to socialize with anyone include themselves.



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  12. I'm not sure keeping angelfishes with loaches is a good idea any longer; for the longest time i had them together but as the loaches get larger (and older) they get a bit more in your face with the angles and the angels don't know what to do with them. When a festy festum gets in their face they just shake a lot of fins and the festum goes back to the other side of the aquarium but the loaches really confuse them; oh well at least the loaches aren't biting them (yet).

    • Like 1
  13. Your fishes don't look like mine. I'm not sure if it is a sex thing or a species thing; your look a tiny bit like my l. thayeri; oh wait i think i made a big boo boo; these are dorsigera; i have l. curviceps (and l. thayeri which are really pretty) and l. araguaiae; but no l. dorsigera. I bet that is why they look different !!

    How did i make such a huge oops ?


    • Haha 1
  14. On 12/5/2023 at 9:53 AM, macdaddy36 said:

    I am considering setting up a south american community tank with some larger cichlids in a 55 gallon.

    These fish should be compatible with a pair of Apistogramma Panduro I already have.

    I am currently considering:

    1. Keyhole Cichlid (x3-4)

    2. Laetacara, Dwarf Flag Cichlid (x4)

    3. Bolivian Ram (x4)

    4. Apistogramma Macmasteri (pair)

    5. Schooling Fish (some kind of characin)

    Would all these be compatible in a 55?

    Any other suggestions?

    Would the flag cichlids be agressive to rams and apistos?

    Too many bottom dwelling cichllids?




    To put it bluntly keeping a m/f a. panduro with m/f a. macmasteri in a 55 is unlikely to work  - ignoring all the other aggression you are adding. I would think by the end of the year all you would have left might be 2 or 3 l. c and perhaps 3 or 4 of the keyholes. 


    I'd pick ONE of your 5 set of cichild with some characin. The problem is a 55 is kind of a bad aquarium for cichild - tall narrow aquarium just aren't that great for aggressive fishes guarding frys.

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  15. I've not read the thread in detail so a bit of info might fill in some gaps:

    For water changes I use a 33 brute gallon pail (or similar; they come in different sizes) that i keep in a closet. It takes a while for the python to fill it - not so bad for a 40B; maybe 10 minutes - for a 240 a bit longer. I then have a pump that i put in the pail  with 1/2 inch (id) tubing that i run to the toilet or similar. There are a large number of pumps you can get but i've been using this one:


    It is a bit over-rated that is the amount of water it moves is quite a bit less - i keep telling myself to use one of my larger 3/4 (id) inch pumps which are 2 or 3 times faster but then i keep reminding myself if there is a goof a smaller pump means less of a mess and less splashing in the toilet (or bath-tub or whatever); your choice. While the large pail is draining i can fix my land-scape and fill the tank - now for filling the tank - in my current house i have filtered water for the aquariums that is temp controlled so i can just run  a hose from the faucet to the aquarium - in your case you likely don't have this and before i moved - i had a 2nd pail that only got clean water - i set it next to the aquarium and fill it the night before via a long hose to a faucet i installed under the sink (took 2 minutes); i fill it the night before to let temp stablize and during winter when i keep the room at 66 and the aquarium at 76 i put a heater in the pail over night to warm it up to 74-78 range. The hose i use is actually a long python since it is fish safe and petco sell 20 footer and 10 footer pretty cheap - just get the number you use and screw them together - just remember the first time you use it it will leak as they always come with the connection to the hose a bit well not tight.

    Anyway you will mess up a few time and spill water everywhere but after  a few months of cursing for taking a short cut - you will find the only water you get on the floor is the water you get on your hand or removing a wet hose from the aquarium. Just stop taking short cuts.

    Before i developed the pail system i used 5 gallon pails and it took forever to remove 15 gallons from the aquarium - i mean carrying 4 1/2 gallons of water to the bathroom 3 times and then carrying 4 1/2 gallon to the aquarium to refill it 3 times and all the splashing and stop/start between pail emptying or filling was a royal time sink/messy/pia. 

    Those trashcans - well much better and easier. Just need a large closet to hold them. 

    Oh and one more thing - these aquariums are poorly made - so put it somewhere that wont' cause $40,000 of damage if the aquarium breaks.



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  16. Well today i made the mistake of looking at my aquarium; as it can be quite frightening when this happens:



    Mind you they weren't really moving much just sitting there - the one that is flat on the substrate far right is around 6 inches the other a bit smaller but the one behind her (you can't really see him) is a tad longer but skinner. Why they all collected right next to my desk i have no clue they normally run away from me - probably wanted to thank me for adding some fun current to play in (i added TWO 500gph power heads).

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