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  1. Ok, so I have a hospital tank all set up, but just 10 minutes ago I found the female guppy that wasn't looking good before lying on the bottom of the tank barely breathing, so I don't think she will make it. I think I have a treatment plan set up though for my betta and the infected fish in the 29 gal. I will have to wait and see if it plans out. Thank you for all your help!! I will keep you posted.
  2. Thank you so much, I ran the tested and forgot to take a pic, I was busy making sure I did them right. But I promise her were the results. pH - 8.2, I know REALLY high, but I think it is just the water that I have is really high, I am probably going to get a pH down solution for it. Ammonia - 0 ppm Nitrites - 0 ppm Nitrates - A little higher then 0 ppm. It doesn't make sense. I have had the tank up and running since December. How do I solve this? And I tested my bettas tank I will post the pic. I think I am going to set up a hospital tank for the sick fish in the 29 gal. I am going to treat with Epsom salt and the Maracyn 2 a little later once they are settled in. I will minimize feeding and will feed the best food I got. I am going to do the same for my betta. I am going to leave the bottom of the hospital tank bare bottom and use a hang on filter, heater, and airstone in it. I know one of my guppies got tore up and I think has a internal parasite, which isn't good. Would salt or Maracyn 2 help? I just want to get a good plan established so I can sleep! The first picture is of my bettas water parameters, and the second is the nitrate levels in my 29 gal.
  3. I just discovered one of my bettas has dropsy. He is the one in my profile pic. Ughh. Meds arrived here this morning. Should I just treat all of my tanks, even if I don't know if they have it? Is Maracyn 2 safe on plants? I think I want to set up my 10 gal as a hospital tank, but I don't have an extra sponge filter, can I just use a hang on one? I have another air pump and airstone I could use for aeration, if that is all it is for. Could the baby guppies be affected too? Please help me. I don't know what to do. I have never had dropsy in any of my tanks before.
  4. They didn't have the test but I ordered it online and it will get here tomorrow.
  5. I am sorry sorry you lost a fish to this too. But to answer your questions, I also feed them frozen bloodworms once a week or so to all of my fish. I try to do 25% but I have all of the other tanks that can take a while. I know that testing is very important and I promise once I test I will get back right away. I have done a lot of research into the meds, but I just am having a hard time deciding if it is worth it. I mean don't get me wrong I want to do all I can for my fish, but I don't want them to die suffering. I have a 10 gal. that I could use to set up as a hospital tank, to treat them if that is the best option. I will try to get some photos
  6. So, I have a 29 gallon freshwater tank, that has 3 guppies, 2 baby mollies, 1 black skirt tetra, 1 glowlight tetra, 2 serpae tetras, 1 female betta, 2 khuli loaches, 1 hillstream loach, 3 snails. I also have 2 bettas and a nursery tank full of baby guppies. I am worried about all of them. One of my guppies had dropsy that got really bad, she started to gasp for air and I decided it would be best to euthanize her. Now another one of my guppies has dropsy, she has it pretty bad and has white stringy poop, and after doing research that means she has a parasite. Uggh. I just don't want ALL of my fish to die. Now that same guppy has her dorsal fin ripped off, must have been my male guppy. The other female guppy is full of babies, and doesn't show any signs that I can see, but is now stressed out from the male guppy. The male has a little bit bigger belly, but that is it. My female betta is partially blind, so she is always stressed as well which makes her vulnerable. I am also worried about cross-contamination because I use the same gravel vac and bucket and don't disinfect before using. I bought Maracyn Two, but now I am questioning if that will work. I am about to pick up a test kit since I ran out. I do a 15% water change weekly. I feed them every morning and I try to in the evening. I feed them Omega-One Freshwater Flakes. I did a bunch of research and they all said it was the best. Please help me I am desperate.😰
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