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Lexi B

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Posts posted by Lexi B

  1. On 12/5/2023 at 4:48 PM, Katherine said:

    First off, I am so sorry for all the issues you've had and your losses. ♥️

    I don't have any experience with Bettas, but a quick Google search says they live about 2-4 years and that they're usually a year old at least when you get them from the pet ship. So it may not be anything you're doing.

    I did notice some signs of age before he got sick, I just thought they lived more like 5 years. Maybe it is just a matter of getting weaker as they age. Either way I appreciate the comment, it just sucks a lot. 

  2. This is really a rant post that I'm throwing into the void because I'm in the middle of finals and can't stop sobbing over my pet. 

    I've been in the hobby since late 2019. I don't know what keeps happening since on paper, everything is exactly the way things should be. I check my parameters and they're clean, I do my 20% water changes on the weekend, I don't over feed, but all of my bettas have randomly just developed a different unresponsive health issue and die right about the time they turn 2.5. My last betta just became riddled with tumors, and then died. I posted some time ago trying to solve my problem with my 2.5 year old that randomly developed a disease that a destroyed the muscles in my face, and no matter what round of medication I use, nothing has worked. Now he's actively going blind and I can't get him to eat and nothing has changed. 

    The most aggravating thing is I've had the same school of pygmy corydora since 2020 and this has never happened. I don't know what's going on and it's so devastating to have these guys and then watch them wither despite everything you try. 

    Is this just a me problem? Seriously I don't understand and it feels like I'm a failure.

    • Sad 1
  3. On 10/26/2023 at 10:26 AM, Colu said:

    Looks like  localise swelling of the tissue could be caused by a bacterial infection  an injury causing inflammation of the tissue what I would do is treat with maracyn2 active ingredient minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties it will help reduce some of the swelling and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallons @Lexi B

    Thanks. Salt didn't seem to do anything, but Ill continue to maintain the concentration while I run through maracyn 2. At the very least, the issue hasn't worsened so there's that. 

  4. Yeah the pH has always been really basic in his tank, I think a result of his fluval stratum.

    I asked about it a year or two ago, seemed like consensus was that it was fine so long as it was stable. 

    On 10/26/2023 at 8:30 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

    pH is pretty high, but I'd expect that the swollen lip could come from a a bacterial infection? @Colu


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  5. pH 8

    Nitrates 5-10

    Hardness 4

    Nitrite 0

    Ammonia 0

    KH/Buffer 7

    Water Temperature  78

    He's already been out through one round of maracyn and aquarium salt. Water changes weekly. Issue cropped up about 2 weeks ago. I'm not really sure what this even is, so I'm not entirely certain how to handle it. I assumed it was a fungus of some kind originally. 

    These are the clearest images. His tank has had some on and off algae issues recently, I don't know if that could cause this?






  6. Hello, hi, local dumb butt here. 

    I was doing water changes and somehow mixed up tiger bloom plant fertilizer with my seachem prime. It's a tank that has one male betta in it, who was immediately scooped out and is now floating in a breeder box in my killifish tank. I just did 3 75-90% water changes on his tank back to back, but I'm extremely concerned that this tank has become a permanent toxic fish wasteland. I have enough aquariums that I'm confident in my ability to jumpstart the cycle, (I always keep a little bit of seeded filter sponge as backup) so that's not so much my concern with the fact that I just nuked my microbiome. 

    Current game plan was to let it sit for a day or two and test continually for water levels since the ammonia and nitrogen should show up on test kits. But at this point would I be better off just going any buying a whole new aquarium? I hope this was clear. I'm still in a bit of a panic from the absolute cluster I just unleashed on my aquarium. 

    Below are the nutrient facts on tiger bloom. 

    Magnesium (water soluble)  - 0.5%
    Boron  -  0.02%
    Copper  -  0.05%
    Iron  -  0.12%
    Manganese  -  0.06%
    zinc  -  0.05%

    Earthworm Castings
    Sea Kelp

  7. On 6/24/2023 at 9:27 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    That's very unfortunate and I'm sorry for your loss. 

    Some bettas can be very, very sensitive to certain types of food.  In general feeding something high in protein could result in what is known as dropsy.  That does appear as a type of bloating which you commonly see in betta fish.  This also could be an internal bacterial issue, internal parasites, and other things at play.

    When it comes to small tanks, 10G and under I would say, is that something like dropping in a little bit too much food could lead to an ammonia spike.  The majority of ammonia in our aquariums does come from fish respiration, but there are other causes.  Smaller tanks magnify those affects and the time from which your water quality is poor to that spike is very quick.  Unfortunately that leads to stress on the fish, which does harm the immune response and can cause some secondary, lingering issues, to result in that disease wearing down the fish even more.

    I can't say that is what happened here, but if we look at the big picture there is a lot to consider. 

    The only final note here is to try to give the tank time to establish itself.  If you have an ammonia spike and the filtration isn't quite able to keep up, then that would result in a lingering ammonia or nitrite reading in your water parameters.  That would cause stress over time and can lead to ammonia burn or nitrite toxicity issues from those levels.  Adding aquarium salt does alleviate some of those symptoms from ammonia and nitrite, simply meaning that it's good to have on hand.

    See that's the strange thing. This set up is well over a year old, probably my most established tank of the 3 Bettas. She didn't have any kind of ammonia or nitrite burning because prior to this the tank has never had a nitrite spike. 

    I did think maybe dropsy could have occured, but is it possible for a fish to just develop symptoms and die on the span of like 12 hours max? However their primary food source is Betta gold with different frozen thaw foods and repashy community plus- most of those have pretty high protein content. 

    Its a lot to think about. I've never just had a Betta - or any fish, for that matter- just go from looking happy and healthy to gone like this.

    Thanks the comprehensive list though. This whole situation just isn't sitting right with me.


    Edit: in hindsight I'm not sure how likely dropsy could have been regardless, since her body didn't show any kind of pineconing. 


    Some kind of build up of gasses occured, but maybe it was after she was already gone. I just don't know why it would've been so expedited since to my knowledge, that kind of thing would only have started to happen if decomp had been occuring for a few days? 

  8. This wasn't my first Betta by any means. Last night, she was swimming around completely fine- I didn't notice any kind of concerning changes in her personality whatsoever. 

    Just found her dead like 15 minutes ago. Apparently she died sometimes last night. I have no idea how. Testing water, the only thing that is out of place is ammonia- which spiked to about 5-10. I'm pretty sure it was just a result of decomp. 

    I can't figure out why this happened. The only thing I noticed that I as weird on her body was that she was bloated with gas, floated like a balloon when I got her out of the plants she had been under. 


    I honestly don't know what I did wrong. She lives with ramshorns, which she did go for from time to time. Could she have burst her stomach eating one? Can Bettas sometimes just pass away from unseen health issues? I'm so devastated. I only had her for about months, my other two Bettas are a year and a year and a half old. Those two are from aquarium co op. Kaia was from Petco. If that's relevant at all. 


    pH - 7.6

    Nitrates - 20-30 

    Hardness - 5

    Nitrite - 0

    Ammonia -5-10

    KH/Buffer- 3

    Water Temperature - 80


    5 gallon cube, heavily planted, sponge filter set up 

    • Sad 2
  9. On 6/16/2023 at 12:32 PM, Lennie said:

    Endlers are super cute. Way too cute.  I just don't wanna vote it knowing babies will end up being food :') 


    Sparkling gouramis are really interesting. I think they are way too underrated. Beautiful colors, always active, and they CROAK! Males look insane. If you think you can manage to fill the tank with driftwood, rocks, plants etc to let them establish territories, go for sparkling gouramis. Here is pic of some of mine



    The only fish I've never kept from this list is pea puffer. I really like puffers tho and def planning to keep some one day. But pea puffers are VERY small. Not sure if would feel full in a 10g tank, and they are basically not good at having tank mates.

    I actually just lost a pea puffer last week. He was in this tank, but somehow managed to wedge himself between two pieces of seiryu stone- it's kind of why I'm on the fence about getting another even though I removed the stone altogether. 


    Figured I'd give myself a little bit of time to think on it since I'll be passing through Edmonds in 2 weeks 



  10. On 6/16/2023 at 11:59 AM, NOLANANO said:

    Endlers and shrimp would be my pick out of your options. Endlers are fun to watch. They compete with one another all day every day even if there are no female present. Just a bunch of gamers doing it for the love of the game.

    I used to keep guppies and I miss watching the males dance for the females! It was always so quirky since each male seemed to have his own strategy 

  11. On 6/16/2023 at 10:51 AM, JettsPapa said:

    My first choice would probably be your second option, but I like the first one also, and if it's well planted you could probably do or three pea puffers.

    By the way, I assume you meant shrimp and endlers?  A handful of endless would seem to be a contradiction, since if it's just a handful it's not endless.  😉

    Oh!! Darn auto correct not knowing fish. Endlers!!

    • Like 1
  12. Got a 10 g up and ready, but I'm going back and forth between some options. Would love to see what people think! 

    I'm stuck between either...

    *1 pea puffer 

    *A handful of endlers + neocardina shrimp 

    *Sparkling gouramis 


    As far as baby endlers and excess shrimp go, I've got 3 Bettas that are all voracious predators. So really it's an in between thing for me 

  13. Hello! I adopted a 2 month old ball python about a month ago and he is an absolute blessing. He's very active, friendly, and inquisitive- he also loves to eat. He's been on hopper mice ranging from  8-12 grams, and I was planning on moving him up a size next feeding since he's outgrown them now. Yesterday I fed him because I noticed he was spending a lot of time exploring his enclosure and figured he was ready for his next meal. He gets fed every 5-7 days, so his previous feeding had been on Saturday. He took it no problem, and I noticed he wasn't spending as much time prowling so- problem solved right?


    Well, I just came home to find he regurgitated his meal and now I'm panicking! I don't know what exactly caused this except maybe the fact that he hadn't gone to the bathroom in between meals? The other thing that I wasn't expecting is how a sudden weather change has caused his temperature gradient to be way out of wack! As in it dropped 10 degrees overnight (confirmed with heat gun and thermostats. 

    He has UTH, which was working great when the average temperature rarely dropped below 70. Typically his husbandry looked like this:

    2 hides, one hot and humid, on cold, lots of clutter. He's on coco fiber. His hot spot is approximately 95 degrees, typically warm side of the aquarium was low 80s and cool was room temp.

    Today the hotspot is still 95 degrees, but ambient temp is now room temp on the warm side and 66 on his cool side! I'm going out to pick up a halogen bulb to help regulate the ambient temperature. I had one in use but stopped using it because it seemed like he preferred the heat mat. But in colder months, (believe me it's about to get way colder than it was today), this clearly wasn't going to work.


    Would the sudden temperature drop be what caused him to regurge? Did I feed him too soon? I'm so worried about my little buddy since I know vomiting is not at all good for his system. 


  14. I recently set up an enclosure for a baby plains hognose - it's my first reptile ever, and I'm hoping to find one at an upcoming repti expo. I followed a bunch of advise from various guides and primarily from YouTubers I trusted like snake discovery and wickens wicked reptiles. Both recommended, at least for baby hogs, that a heat mat was ideal for maintain comfortable temperature and a basking spot.


    However, I've got a bunch of people online now telling me directly that the heat mat is wrong and will cook my snake because it won't understand to move away from the warm substrate. I have included both repticarpet and a thermostat to maintain the temperature for me at a safe level and prevent the snake from burning itself on the glass. 


    I feel like every other person I look to tells me the opposite and it's really confusing! I have kept aquariums before, and I know that sometimes there are some topics that hobbyists just outright disagree on- is this a situation where I should trust the guides, or should I re-asses my heating situation? Thanks!




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  15. On 8/18/2022 at 7:02 PM, Fish Folk said:

    Almost looks like a male alien, or Imbellis. But when you’ve got better photos, we’ll see.

    The first photo is a bit misleading haha. Although she lost a lot of color, she's normally a deep teal with bright yellow fins. She also has these stunning rays in her fins! I think she's just a particularly beautiful halfmoon? 

  16. I just got my first female Betta, but I've owned males in the past. She arrived today in the male from aquahuna and is currently getting drip acclimated so I don't want to stress her out too much. I noticed she is quite rotund, though... Are females typically this much chunkier than males? No pineconing that I can see. 


    Apologies for the bad picture. I'll upload more later when she's in her aquarium. 

    NEW PHOTOS! she's a bit pale from shipping, but she's gained some color back over night. Very curious and timid, thinking of naming her suki. 





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  17. On 8/11/2022 at 5:34 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    The real problem is there's SO MANY amazing corydoras.  I need like 15 tanks!  I wish you the best of luck deciding.  I think my next ones are the venezualean or the slate corydoras.

    NO! How dare you introduce me to new corycats! The venezuelans are so in your face pretty! But I love the slate cories subtle beautiful orange! My life is even harder now  

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