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Lexi B

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Posts posted by Lexi B

  1. On 8/11/2022 at 3:12 PM, Flumpweesel said:

    Well there is no wrong answer here but why not do something new since you had Juliis before.

    I have so far never bought the fish I set out to get something else always distracts me. But I don't think there is a wrong cory.

    I have 3 Bettas and would happily pick a 4th if granted enough space... I'm a creature of habit 😅

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  2. Like many of you, i ADORE corycats. currently, I only have a small school of pygmy cories (cuties)- but about a year ago I did have a larger set up with false juliis. I'm hoping that maybe sometime this year/ early next year I can set up my 30 again. I just can't pick my preference!

    The tank is going to be peaceful community, honey gouramis and corydora. I'm thinking about a small schooling fish like neons or cpd if they're suitable tank mates and the tank can support the stocking

    I LOVE the cryptic patterns on juliis and their adorable black splotched fin, but pandas are also so adorable! I feel like juliis are the cool choice, fun to look at and beautiful in their own right. But the pandas just look so pinchable! I adore their simplicity and big ol spots! How do i choose?!


  3. I've got a water sprite in my betta's tank, which is  a foot in height. I originally wanted water wisteria, but couldn't track it down and went with sprite despite it preferring to grow tall rather than bushy. I've had the plant for nearly 8 months, and it grows like a weed But it seems like periodically, it drops one of it's older branches and grows a new one. (Maybe about a every month or two?) It's also constantly putting out baby plants. I know with some plants, self propagation is a sign of distress. Am I doing this wrong?


    It's planted in about 2 inches of fluval stratum. I feed with easy carbon, easy green, and the tank gets periodic root tabs to support the lily and supplement the sprite. Temp is usually around 78, water's very soft and leans basic- about 8.0.

  4. On 8/8/2022 at 2:40 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Awesome stuff!  I think you can build one with squarespace and then whenever you're ready to "turn it on" is when it actually charges you.  Cory's business channel as well as James hoffmann might be a great place to get some inspiration!

    Thanks! Right now i'm using wix, but if it gains more traction I'll probably think of upgrading. It's kind of fun having a way to incorporate my hobby into more aspects of my life!

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  5. On 8/8/2022 at 2:49 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

    Yes is the best option. If no, then be prepared to do ongoing water changes. 

    Alright! That's what I figured. I just recently saw a handful of people who preferred to go uncycled and wondered if I was tackling it wrong 

  6. I've always had a back up cycled tank for QT, but after the move I haven't space for an extra 10g. Would it be okay if I simply ran a QT without a cycle? My fiance lost a few of his chili rasbora after our move, and we're hoping to fill out his little swarm sooner than later. He only has 3 left

  7. On 7/29/2022 at 7:18 PM, FLFishChik said:

    Please keep us updated in how your little guy is doing and if you make any progress with his treatment. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he beats this!

    Hi, I'm sorry I kind of ghosted the chat. I can't express how much I appreciate you and everyone else who posted's advice. On Wednesday I decided to give more leaves and salt a try while I waited on maracyn 2 to arrive since fish meds are impossible to fight out here. 

    Thursday he didn't come out for food. 

    Today I go nervous and looked around for him, but he was laying on the ground behind one of his rock hides. At that point I decided that it was best for him if I let him go, I think I knew when I posted that was likely going to be the outcome. 

    Im devastated. I buried him in a pot and got him a flower I felt represented him best. When I got my first Betta, I never expected to feel this way about losing one. 


  8. On 7/27/2022 at 5:38 PM, Colu said:

    What I would do as salt hasn't worked is treat with kanaplex or maracyn2 as most case of fin rot are caused by gram negative bacteria to treat the fin rot you could also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending of the quality of the leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a benefial effect @Lexi B

    Hi yes I've done this before. You've actually helped me with this guy in particular a few times before. The last treatment I did was kanaplex+salt+leaves 

  9. On 7/27/2022 at 4:41 PM, FLFishChik said:

    Have you seen this? Girl Talks Fish gives a really good vlog on how to use the Med Trio (by not following the package directions)


    Oh! Yes i did- sorry i forgot to note in my original post I also treated with ich x. I Used it both on its own and as combination with Maracyn

  10. On 7/27/2022 at 4:01 PM, FLFishChik said:

    I don’t think so, if he’s the only one in the tank. Let me do some research for a bit and see what we can figure out

    Thanks I appreciate that. Someone on reddit recommended that I use something called ciprofloxacin, but also said that kanaplex and maracyn shouldn't be used to treat fin rot anyway. I was a little skeptical of their advice, but I'm also desperate. Do you know anything about that? I'm really short on cash right now so I can't afford to just throw money at anything without a lot of research. 

  11. On 7/27/2022 at 2:37 PM, FLFishChik said:

    OK, when you quarantine.. do you do it in his current tank or in a separate qt tank? The reason I ask is if you put him in a separate tank and it's a bacterial issue in the current tank that isn't treated, it could just be reinfecting in. but if he's being treated in his 'home tank' then that's not the problem... and we're back to square one 🤥

    No, hes alone in a five gal so I figured it would be more effective to treat him and the aquarium instead of stressing him out in a qt set up? Maybe I was wrong in that regard?

  12. On 7/27/2022 at 1:42 PM, FLFishChik said:

    Hmmm... is there anything in the tank that he might be constantly injuring his fins on?  Other than that, I wish I could help. but something must be contributing to his chronic ailment... I just... can't think of what it could be other than continuous fin damage or continuous stress? Are there any live plants in the tank? Any plastic ones? Does he have a hideout he can go to if he's feeling insecure?  80 degrees is at the high end of the temp for a Betta (I realize you are trying to treat for a bacteria) but it might stress him out. I keep both of mine at 78 F without issue.Sorry, just trying to help you figure this out.

    No you're totally fine. I appreciate you trying to trouble shoot. Only thing that could possibly be causing this is the seiryu stone on the bottom, though the injury he has doesn't ever suggest snagging. He has some plants too, like a water sprite, a dwarf red lotus, some anubias here and there, that's about it. No gravel. He has a clay based soil

  13. On 7/27/2022 at 1:31 PM, FLFishChik said:

    When you tried the Aquarium salt, how did you dose? I ask because my little guy went through a really bad bout of FR.. I ended up removing him from the tank and placing him in a 3 gallon QT tank with just a sponge filter and a Betta leaf. I started out with 1 TBS for the 3 gallons. I did a 50% water change daily with premixed water with aquarium salt so that the ratio was correct. I continued this for 7 days to see if there was improvement. When I didn't see any, I increased the dose to Level  (1 TBS per 3 gallons which would be 1 and 1/2 TBS for a 3 gallon tank) and continued with 50% water changes daily for the next 7 days. Finally, I increased the dose to 1 TBS per gallon for the next 7 days, continuing the 50% water changes daily for 7 days. That seemed to help. Then I changed 30% of the water with just de-chlorinated water and waited 5-7 days to make sure it didn't come back... then did another 30% and watched for another 5-7 days, and finally, I did a third and final 30% water change and waited and watched for another 5-7 days before moving him back into his tank. I definitely cleared the FR. there is a guide on ACO Blog about doing the Aquarium Salt method if you want to take a look.


    Hi thanks! I actually followed that guide to a t. I did a week at the containers recommended dosage, and increased that by 50% when I didn't see any improvement after a week. I did that for 3 cycles. The only reason I stopped was because I was getting concerned that the combination of high salinity and different medications would be too intense for him. 

  14. PXL_20220727_182717345_MP.jpg.a004d8911f36ced7d528c8fdb1b13a32.jpgHi, I've posted about danny a few times before- but I'll try to be quick with an explanation. Back in November, Danny went through a traumatic experience where his tank was shattered and he was out of water for about 2 hours, he very narrowly lived. Since then, it's been a periodic fight with external diseases such as fin rot and more recently a persistent fungus. Since January, he's had fin rot, the it clears up for a few weeks, then it's back seemingly without explanation. Between treatments, the time for re-emergence has become continually short and the infection increasingly more damaging and resistant. He's gone through aquarium salt, Maracyn, Kanaplex, Medicated foods of maracyn and garlic gaurd, higher temperatures, everything I can think of! 

    He has had two reoccurances of a white, fluffy fungus on the back end of his body. He is now over that. However, the fin rot has reoccured so quickly that as of 2 days being off kanaplex and back on maracyn, he has lost a good 10-20% of what fin mass he had left. When on kanaplex, he shows some improvement but not a lot- mostly, the fin rot is slowed, but blackened edges are always visible. His fins are always clamped. The reason I stopped kanaplex was because I was concerned he wouldn't survive 3 consecutive rounds of a medication you typically only do one of. It seems that at this point the whatever that's attacking his fins is completely resistant to maracyn. 

    His parameters have been consistently clean since January when his new tank was settled, he lives alone, and in general he seems to be in high spirits despite his obviously sickly appearance. I hate to think that he's never going to recover- he's such a fighter and I adore him for that! But at the same time, I don't want him to die a painful and slow death because the fin rot managed to overtake his body. Should I euthanize him? Is there any other treatments worth trying?

    • Nitrates 20-30
    • Hardness 3
    • Nitrite 0
    • Ammonia 0
    • KH/Buffer 3
    • Water Temperature 80
  15. On 7/23/2022 at 8:46 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    Lol that quote in the signature. ❤️ sharks!


    Is this where we request a Bolivian Ram Dragon!?

    Oh man, those would be so cool as dragons! 

    On 7/23/2022 at 6:03 PM, Melkor said:

    I could definitely see you selling out quickly if you sold your work. Plus commissions for days.

    Thanks! That means a lot, hopefully i get traction soon ❤️

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  16. On 7/23/2022 at 1:43 PM, Tayturs said:

    OMG I LOVE THESE SO MUCH. I especially love the first one, he is so sassy 😂 Do you post your work to social media or twitter or something...? I'd love to follow, or maybe even commission a similar transformation drawing, if you're open to something like that!!

    Oh that really means I lot! I've never had a social media platform but I'm getting ready to start one- I'm actually getting ready to start commissions as well lol. I've been worried nobody would like my work! We can talk together and see if we can work out a commission ❤️

    On 7/23/2022 at 1:07 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    OK OK OK..... woah!!!!!!!!

    I love good art, this is some fantastic stuff.  Nicely done!

    Thank you that's really sweet! Made my day honestly 

    • Like 1
  17. I like to make stickers in my free time, and one day doodled my lump of a betta as a dragon- which turned into a mini project. I tried my best to capture each of their personalities in the characters, and I thought it'd be cool to show them off here!

    First is Chenley, my lazy lumpy man.

    Then Kuzan, more commonly known as "lil Red".

    And last but not least is my boy Danny "Lazarus" Phantom- he really ended up living up to his phantom name lol. I'll update with images of each fish!

    Chen Drago Sticker.png

    Kuzan sticker.png

    Danny dragon sticker.png

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  18. I posted almost a month ago about my betta developing unilateral popeye. His tank parameters at the time were as follows:

    • pH 8.2
    • Nitrates 30
    • Hardness 4
    • Nitrite 0
    • Ammonia 0
    • KH/Buffer 3
    • Water Temperature  78
    • lives alone in a 6 gallon cube

    Initially, I used maracyn to treat the pop eye, but after two rounds didn't see any improvement. I tried aquarium salt for two weeks and didn't see anything there either, so I used a medicated repashy formula alongside the salt- this included maracyn, garlic gaurd, and focus- that was recommended to me by colu. It's now been almost a month of different treatments with virtually no improvement, and if anything, worsened conditions. 

    His parameters today are as follows:

    Ph 8

    Nitrates 20

    Hardness 4

    Nitrite 0

    Ammoniam 0

    Kh/Buffer 3

    Temp 78,

    lives alone in a 6 gal cube.

    At this point I'm beginning to wonder if I've misdiagnosed the issue? His popeye remains unilateral, and to my best judgement his visions remains relatively unaffected, his eye isn't cloudy, and I don't see any blood in his iris or pupil (this is really hard to tell, though, because he has partial diamond eye in both eyes). He is a bit of a mess genetically though, and I already know of two fatty tumors that he developed along his side, so I'm curious if maybe he has developed on behind his eye? Really I'm at a loss right now since I can't tell what exactly is going on, or how I should continue tackling the problem. If anyone has any recommendations/ opinions on the matter, I'd be extremely thankful


  19. On 7/16/2022 at 10:36 AM, Jennifer V said:

    If they refuse a certain food at first, you can try fasting them for a couple days and then reintroduce the food they've denied. They'll likely eat it. 

    You'll be surprised how quickly they devour snails. My tank was filled with bladder snails when I got my peas and they ate all of them within a day. 

    Woah! Murderous little nuggets. I've had to do the "food time out" for a Betta before, who decided he only wanted the freeze dried blood wormers as a diet instead of a treat haha

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    • Haha 1
  20. On 7/15/2022 at 12:51 PM, Lizzyduff said:

    Plus,  eventually they will eat all the bladder snails.  I also recommend breeding ramshorn snails for food. My puffers ate the entirety of my bladder snail collection in a matter of weeks.  I'm dangerously low on ramshorn snails now too, but my next order should be arriving any day.  I also supplement with blood worms, brine shrimp, and neocaridina shrimps. They love picking through the Java moss for critters too. Never in my life did I imagine I'd actually be paying for bladder snails. Yet,  here we are.  This month,  approximately 50% of their diet is some sort of snail, followed by various frozen worms 30%, and the rest make up the remaining 20%. I figure the more variety the better but honestly, good luck getting one to try something new once it has a boner for whatever its decided is it's favorite 😆 🤣 

    That's about what I said as planning on doing. Mostly I was just concerned they might veto the frozen foods lol

    I've been fighting these bladder snails for so long that I assumed you could never run out though, so I'll definitely consider the rams horns! I like them a lot but never went for them because I haaaate over populating snails



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  21. I like to give my shrimp the broken down leaves from my Betta tank. Since your tank is new, they won't be able to just graze as easily. You can also feed some sinking foods if you want to mix up their diet. They'll eat anything as long as it's already dead lol 

    • Thanks 1
  22. Thinking about getting a pea puffer in the near future, and have an abundance of pest bladder snails in one of my tanks. I was thinking they'd be an excellent food source for a new friend, but I'm concerned that only feeding primarily bladder snails with some frozen foods mixed in (if he ends up liking those) will make him malnourished. 

    The bladder snails are actually in a tank with my pygmy corydoras, so they pick off whatever I give them which is a variety of sinking wafers, repashies, and frozen foods. By that logic it's kind of like gut loading crickets for reptiles, I assume?

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