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Everything posted by reefhugger

  1. Check Dan’s Fish. They have them in stock. So pretty
  2. Oh those are lovely. My water won't permit it, so please share some photos.
  3. I agree with this advice. I would go with a slightly larger group of the corys. My opinion here is influenced by my deep love of them as well as their activity level in good sized groups. They are quite fun to watch.
  4. I wonder if the pre-softener water would be better to use in the tanks? Perhaps check out those parameters, and see if there is a hose handy that is fed from non-softened source?
  5. You did me! Thank you for the post. I have been dealing with green dust algae for months and hadn't heard of zeolith. I just purchased a bottle and am testing it on a small aquarium, The current formula dosage is okay for smaller tanks, but the company is working on a more concentrated dose more cost effective for large tanks according to an inquiry I made.
  6. I think I'd want a building contractor to inspect that area to see how well supported the countertop is both all sides and underneath. That's quite a bit of weight so someone familiar with load calculations and strengths of materials is needed.
  7. @nabokovfan87 's advice is very good. I'd like to add input from a struggling fish mom. One fish keeping bad habit I've had to confront is overfeeding. Honestly its fun to feed them, and they're always hungry (or so they say). I think overfeeding has contributed to the a terrible time I've had with with algae. So I've gotten more disciplined (not my strong suit) about scheduling in no feed days and feeding smaller amounts. I do feed Repashy foods to make sure the bottom fishes aren't solely dependent on pellets or flakes sinking to the bottom. So far everyone seems healthy. Sadly algae issues continue but are somewhat better.
  8. Sympathies from someone whose unflagging love of all things sweet has made her familiar with dental procedures. One good thing is implants are fine things..no problems at all. But do take care of yourself and rest if needed. That's a lot to go through.
  9. Beautiful! And just think...now you have three empty tanks to redo.
  10. So not fun....I hope you heal up quickly and well.
  11. This is a very interesting discussion. I am passingly familiar with the Blue-eyed rainbow fish but had not idea of the variety in the species. Such wonderful critters.
  12. I hadn't seen those before...they are so beautiful. Do gourami do well alone?
  13. I have the long finned peppered corys. Not as colorful as some but so full of personality and energy. I love watching them zip around the aquarium and play in the bubbles from the sponge filter. And their fins are amazing!
  14. Mine grows like a weed but it does seem to drop lots of leaves. I'm forever skimming them off the surface and those that sink inevitably wind up on the intake filter. Sadly its the plant that grows best in my tanks, and I do appreciate it keeping the water healthy. I'm going to try some suggestions from this thread find something else that will grow with enthusiasm.
  15. I looked at photos of the Bacopa carolinia...its quite pretty. It will look nice if I can induce it to grow. Thanks for the suggestions.
  16. Yes I make pre-filter sponges from that wonderful open weave foam from Cory. Those are what get plugged up with leaves. As I was cleaning tanks yesterday and pondering input from your comments it dawned on me I should make them bigger so less prone to getting plugged. I hadn't though about boisterous fish so I'll keep that in mind. As to deficiencies...maybe. Plants are growing well but that doesn't mean some factor isn't missing. Thanks to all for the replies. I've got some things to explore.
  17. I love the enthusiasm pogostemon stellatus has for creating a fast growing, dense, nitrate-eating mass. I hate the filter intake clogging effect of the detached leaves. Is there an alternative that has the benefits but is less inclined to shed leaves?
  18. Can confirm the truth of this statement! My husband wanted guppies so we tried two big box stores without success in finding health stock. Since there aren't any local stores within a reasonable driving distance we ordered from an online seller I've had great success with, and now have a thriving population. Albeit now separated into male and female tanks as they thrived a bit too well.
  19. I use the nano pumps with air stones inside sponge filters to good effect. But one issue to keep an eye on (if you're referring to the little green nano pumps) is their tendency to quit expelling air occasionally until I smack them a few times. Then they'll work again for a period of hours...and repeat. In my case I use them as additional filters with hobs as the main. There may be an easy fix to keep them running I haven't stumbled upon.
  20. I'm attempting to add red plants to a 70 gal. To that end I'm going to add an in line diffuser for CO2 to the tank filter. After reading @EVoyager31 's horrifying post about finding 70 gallons of water on the floor I'm not sure I'll be able to breathe during the process. Also looking for every zip tie and hose clamp in the tool box.
  21. Just a quick chime-in of agreement. Soilent green and community plus are two I use consistently as it seems everyone in the tanks- all the critters including bottom feeders and snails, flock to it. It seems to get eaten thoroughly so keeps the tank a bit cleaner too.
  22. Thank you all for the information. I'm going to give this a try. I've tried adding bits of color to good success but do long for some of the lovely red colors. I don't want to do anything to harm the fish who are healthy and appear happy and so want to keep the tank in balance. Again, thank you.
  23. I have an established 70 gallon planted tank. I used a small size gravel for the substate. Currently Pogostemon Stellataus is growing with reckless abandon along with crypts and anubias . I want to add colorful red or yellow plants. I'm setting up CO2 and have a good light. What I'm trying to work out is if using clay pots with more fine grained substate along with root tabs will assist with the "harder to grow" plants I'd like to add. I would sink the pot and soil in a bucket of aquarium water from a cleaning first to settle the soil before gently placing in the tank. I wonder about using an aquarium soil mix without a lot of added nutrients to avoid an ammonia spike? I am already dealing with green spot algae by adding phosphate, and learned that the CO2 will help with that as well. Is this a decent plan? What don't I know that I don't know? How will this go horribly wrong? Is it even necessary? Whew.
  24. I use both simply for reassurance that my occasional stumbles in aquarium keeping don't crash my tanks. I also like having a sponge filter I can use if I want to set up a new tank.
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