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Posts posted by NickG83

  1. @Colu just wanted to say the fish have all made a full recovery and seem to be doing really well. I’m keeping a close eye on them still but I’m really pleased with how well they’re doing! Thanks again for all your help, your advice definitely saved them! 😊🙏

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  2. @Colu ok, so want I’m thinking of doing is removing the plants from the pond. Doing a good size water change (50%). Then I can treat with salt. Then do a 50% water change everyday, redosing half of the salt each day to make up for what has been removed in the water change. Then using the maracyn2 that I have and mixing it into some food. And see where I am in a weeks time. What do you think? Thanks again for all your help. 

    @Colu ok thank you, I’ll do that. Thank you for helping. 

  3. @Colu ok, so want I’m thinking of doing is removing the plants from the pond. Doing a good size water change (50%). Then I can treat with salt. Then do a 50% water change everyday, redosing half of the salt each day to make up for what has been removed in the water change. Then using the maracyn2 that I have and mixing it into some food. And see where I am in a weeks time. What do you think? Thanks again for all your help. 

  4. @Colu thank you for replying so quickly. Should I treat all the fish? I don’t have enough Maracyn2 to treat the whole pond. I could half empty the pond, and then I would almost have enough for a full treatment. I also have a 40 gallon availble but I have 9 goldfish so would that be too small? Not all the fish seem to be affected. Also I can’t add salt to the pond as it’s full of plants. Thank you for helping. 

  5. Hi, I have a few goldfish in a temporary holding pond whilst I redo their pond. A couple of them are not looking good… one in particular in really not doing well. I have tested the water- ammonia 0, nitrite 0, small trace of nitrate, ph 8, kh 5dkh, Gh 17. 
    Goldfish showing red streaks, and white spots on fins, also torn frayed fins. I’ve just brought the one in the worst shape inside and put in QT, with cycled sponge filter going. And have treated with ich X. I also have maracyn and maracyn 2 available. 
    Advice would be very much appreciated. 
    Thanks in advance. 












  6. @Colu I’m struggling to get a good picture, but it’s almost like something is bulging out from underneath the scales

    @Colu I’ve managed to just take this, this is the side that isn’t bulging as much, but you can see the scales are being raised a little 


  7. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea ok, I’ve just googled it, and I’m not too sure if it’s that. On closer inspection, it’s like the raised areas are more behind the gill covers, rather than on the actual gill covers themselves. I do have Maracyn 2 available though. So thinking of doing a good water change, then treating with that. 

  8. Hi all, I recently picked up 2 small goldfish, currently in QT. One of them came with the gill covers very slightly raised, but didn’t think too much of it. Had them about 2 weeks now, and the affected goldfish has now got quite obviously raised gill covers, and on one size the scales, just behind the raised gill cover, have started to stick out (dropsy?). What are peoples thought? I will post some picks. Thanks in advance. Nick 








  9. @Colu hi, I now have all the meds you mentioned for my goldfish, including the garlic guard. A couple of things I was wondering though, would I use the garlic guard instead of the water to mix it all together? Also, how much of this medicated food should I be feeding each day? Thanks in advance, Nick. 

  10. @GardenStateGoldfish @Colu thanks for all the info, will hold off meds for a little while and I’ll order in some of the meds you’ve mentioned. I’m not exactly sure what sort of goldfish he is, he’s a “rescue” that lived in a very small tank (probably no more than 5 gallons) for 2 years, but he’s been with me for around 2 year now and was out in the pond but brought him in at the end of the summer when I noticed his cloudy eyes, hoping to get him all fixed up so I can get him back out into the pond in the spring/summer. Thanks again for all the info. 

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  11. @ColuSorry don’t know why the pics are upside down… 

    So the meds I’ve used… i started with maracyn, I’ve done ich x, and I’ve done these 2 separately and together. I think I also did general cure. These were all put into the water column (instructions followed). Then I did maracyn 2 mixed in with rapashy, I did it his for a while slowly increasing amount of maracyn 2 in the food. This got rid of the sore/ulcer. It was after this that I did the interpet anti bacteria (which I put in the water column). Thanks for your help. 🙏 

    @Colu also I don’t know if you can see that little white dot on his head, that’s quite new.

  12. Hey all, I’ve been treating my goldfish for a few months now for what I thought was an internal bacteria. He has slightly swollen eyes that are quite cloudy and he had a sore on his side (possible ulcer?) and possible very slight pine coning, although im not to sure, I may just be looking to closely into it, if he is pine coming though, it is very slight. Anyway, I’ve tried various different meds (both in the water column and in food) and also full concentration of salt (1 tablespoon per gallon). The last med I used (interpet anti internal bacteria) does seem to have worked a little bit, the eyes are still slightly bulging but really not much and are still a little cloudy. The sore is completely gone, pine coning I think gone (although still not sure if it was ever there). I think that I may have gotten rid of the internal bacteria. My question is, if I have got rid of the bacteria, should his eyes now be completely back to normal, or will that come with time? Basically I’m wondering if I should be running the med again (he’s already had 2 courses though) and at this point he’s had so many meds though him I feel like he needs a break. But at the same time i don’t want to go back to square one, if the bacteria isn’t quite gone. What are your thoughts? I’m currently thinking, no more meds for a while, keep the water a clean as possible and monitors. And hope he’s sorted, and his eyes return to normal given time (or could they just be permanently scared?!) He can definitely see though, as I’ve noticed he now sees his food straight away, whereas before it took a while for him to find. Anyway, sorry that was so long and thanks in advance for any info. Nick 

  13. @HH Morant also would I feed this mixture for the 5 days? Or maybe just keep feeding until the fish looks better? Im assuming this method required using a lot less of the medication, which I assume is because the fish is getting it directly? Also is there any chance I could accidentally overdose the fish? It’s a 6/7 inch goldfish I’m treating. Do you think a quarter of a packet a day mixed in with rapashy sounds about the right dose? Thanks again for your help.  

  14. Thank you @HH Morant I’ve just had a look at adding the meds to food, it said I can use rapashy. I have rapashy available, I assume I don’t need to add extra food to the mixture if I’m using the rapashy as the gelatine source? So I would just basically add I small amount of the medication to the rapashy and mix it up as usual? 

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