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  1. Hi everyone, I purchased what I thought were three lady fire red Apistos and one male. However, I am beginning to think one of the ladies (see pics) might be a male. The fish is starting to display what looks to be the purple/ dark red line down its back and it’s clearly been relegated to corner of the tank by the male. the two other ladies same age do not appear to have this coloring. What do you guys think? thanks Jamie
  2. Is it a fair assumption that there are more in my tank? If so, any suggestions on getting rid of them? My preference would be to add fish to the tank that would eat them. Thanks!
  3. I do have some pics - they are not the best.
  4. Hi all and happy weekend to you! I have seen what I believe are molts of two damselfly “shells” on the rim of my tank. I’m just now coming to understand the plague they could be on my tank. While I can’t be 100% sure as of late I feel like I’m missing a few of my nano fish. I have a 65 gallon with about 40 nano fish so it’s hard to count. But something definitely feels off. I’m wondering if these bugs are now in my tank and snacking on my nano fish. I have not seen any bugs during my daily tank hang out - to be fair I haven’t been looking for them. It seems like they are incredibly hard to get rid of. My tank is heavily planted and I’m not sure that manual remove is on my side. In addition to my fish, I have shrimp and snails. I’ve read that various treatments - salt, copper, temperature changes, planarium(?) meds - will kill them, but will also likely hurt and /or kill my other tank inhabitants. My question to you all is - are there any fish that will eat damselflies? The tank includes - CPDs, red neon blue eyed rainbows, lamp eyes, emperor tetras, pearl Gourami, snails, shrimp. Any advice is welcome and much appreciated! Jamie
  5. @JettsPapa, I do love my pearl Gourami and so glad i grabbed one from my LFS. I haven’t thought about adding more of them as I assumed (as I think I’ve this) that they can bit aggressive with each other. But perhaps with the correct gender ratio it could work.
  6. It’s not an oddball, but I love my pearl Gourami. Super chill with the other fish in the tank (both smaller and larger).
  7. Hi all, I currently have a 65 gallon, heavily planted tank with Fluval407. The tank has been up and running for 4 years. I’m moving some of the current fish to another tank. Once this is done I’d love to stock the tank with a bunch of nano or small fish. Fish that will be staying - 1 pearl Gourami, 12 rummy nose, 5 cories, 6 emperor tetras, 5 amano shrimp and a few snails. I’d love to add a variety of nano rainbows or some small killifish. I’m looking for lots of color and activity. I would love any suggestions you all have. Thanks all and happy 4th!
  8. I have a 5 gallon tank with CPDs. How long could I kept the mama and fry in there?
  9. This is so cool. Thank you @tolstoy21 and @Fish Folk! I was thinking about a make shift breeder box. I’m going to try dividers and see how that goes. In the interim I’ll see if I can put something better together for future spawns - fingers crossed. Thanks again for the advice! Much appreciated!
  10. Hi all, I’m fairly certain my apistogramma cacautiodes has just spawned. She’s hunkered down in her cave all day with the male somewhat nearby chasing all others away. This is a community tank with other larger fish in it. I’d like to try and keep the fry. Can I take the cave and put it in a breeder box with an air stone? If so, does mama need to come too? Any other tips would be appreciated. I’ve been down this road a number of times with plecos but not other fish. I’ve been hoping these little guys would breed and so I’d really like to give it a go and raise the fry! thanks all in advance for any help/advice. jamie
  11. Dag it! Thanks. That’s what I thought but was hoping I was wrong.
  12. Happy Friday Morning all! Quick apistogramma cacatuoides question. Are these two males? I am confident that the larger one is a male. I bought two additional females to go with the male. But as the two new ones get bigger they look a lot like my male. The third one is not pictured. But is much smaller and looks similar to the smaller apisto in the pics. thanks guys for your help. Here’s the smaller one. Finally came out!
  13. Happy weekend all, I’m trying to consolidate tanks and have some celestial pearl danios in a nano. I’d lie to add them to my heavily planted 65 gallon. It’s a community tank with a handful Bosemani rainbows and rummy nose tetras. Is this a bad idea? I’m I just giving the rainbows snacks? TIA Everyone.
  14. Trying to add my photo one more time. And yes I have both and on and off scheduled.
  15. Hey everyone, im hoping someone can help me out. I purchased a KASA smart plug for one of my aquariums. However I can’t get the light to turn off. I have to do that manually. It will come on automatically each day but for some reason it will not do the same for the off function. Here are my setting (see pic). What have I done incorrectly with the light schedule? TIA
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