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  1. Hi Everyone. I am so excited to be returning to a hobby that I loved when I was younger. So much has changed! I always wanted to try a planted tank and now I am attempting it. For my birthday, I received a Fluval Flex 32. Love the shape of this tank. It is the marine version with the Fluval Sea LED light, although I am going freshwater. I chose the Seachem Flourite Dark substrate and have a really nice spiderwood piece in the center. For fish, there is a colorful mix of platys (there are so many varieties now!) a few zebra danios, a rubber nose plecostomus, two gold zebra loaches, and a marble veiled angelfish. All the fish are healthy and active. For plants, I have an Ozelot Sword, an Anubis, some Dwarf hairgrass, a Java fern, Mondo grass and Dwarf Sagittaria. I hope my wife realizes that now that she has opened the door it will never shut again! I’m already thinking about my next tank . . . .
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