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Posts posted by mynameisnobody

  1. If he had them when he went in the tank then my guess would be that he got spooked and bumped into the glass, that cave, the filter, or the lid. What size aquarium do you have him goin into next? 15 gallon is really small even for a quarantine for these guys. 

  2. And it grows, pretty quickly and is spreading throughout the same piece of wood. It looks like black coral. Just as a size reference, that’s a 4” rainbow and way in the background are 5” Denison barbs. First time, I wanted the fish to dive bomb the photo for size reference, but apparently they had an etiquette class earlier today. 




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  3. @AAE I have a 75 gallon species only with some Chindongo Saulosi and they love their cichlid stones. I probably have somewhere in the neighborhood of 35-40 of various sizes. It makes a really cool scape if you have enough of them and the various sizes help create a ton of depth. Their customer service is also excellent. 2 of them arrived broken so they shipped out replacements plus an extra. Great product. 

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