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  1. HI Cory, greetings from South Africa. Newbie here. Started with Goldfish 11 months ago. Started with a 32Ltr, upgraded to a 65Ltr and hubby just bought me a 300Ltr. I have 1 Black Moore and 1 Fancy. I'm so excited but nervous about the transition to the new tank. I don't want to mess this up! I came across your YouTube channel when I started off, and I could tell straight away that 'this guy knows what he's talking about'! I have learned so much from you, thank you. We are not spoiled for choice or good quality products in South Africa.... Americans are spoiled...! I'm so jealous. And with the dollar - Rand exchange rate and shipping fee's, let's just say I don't have enough kidneys to sell to afford buying from Amazon. 😅 I managed to afford moss balls and good quality food I ordered from Amazon. So worth it! Good luck with the move 😊
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