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  1. Never done any dry dosing here. I see it's KH2PO4, but where do you recommended to get it? And how does dosing go for it?
  2. Any recommendations on a phosphate additive? I haven't looked at the nutrients in Fluorish but I'm guessing it contains phosphates, at least much more than Easy Green and that's where the deficiency and algae are coming from
  3. Okay, I actually just started testing phosphate because of the algae beginning. I saw a bunch of mixed information but most seemed to indicate 0.1 to 0.5ppm being favorable for freshwater. What SHOULD it be at since what I was reading before sounds to be incorrect? Guess I better pull those phosphate pads I got back out of the filter 😂
  4. Hey guys, I have a tank with moderate to heavy plants and CO2 injection. I recently decided to try Easy Green in place of my Fluorish because I had heard so much good about it. At the next dose of Fluorish I began dosing Easy Green. I am now about 3 weeks in and what looks to be black beard algae is starting to go crazy. No other changes have been made other than changing the brand of fertilizer. 65 gallon tank (36x18x24). pH is 7.2-7.4. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20ish nitrates, and phosphates are about 0.75ppm. (It hovers arpund these values even without water changes). CO2 injected about 3.5 bubbles per second, dosing 6ml of Easy Green 2x a week (same as was done with flurorish). Light is a Fluval Plant 3.0, run at the OEM 100% values for 7 hours plus ramp up and down time - yes I know thats a bit more than recommend in most cases but it worked well with other ferts, and bear in mind it's a deeper-than-typical tank. Any ideas here? I'm guessing the Easy Green had a hand in it since it started after switching to it. But as far as balance goes, any ideas for more CO2, less light, less fertilizer, combination thereof? Never had an issue with black algae before and I'm wanting to take care of it before it overruns the tank. I know the blackout thing to help kill lit off, or removing effected plants etc. But as far as treating the root cause, any ideas based on info given?
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