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  1. Mainly stuff for reefs skimmers, calcium reactors, kalk, ats.... I do know one thing, Aquarius in the United States are cheap.
  2. Slant is "ok" it's twist that kills tanks.
  3. That's one of the problems of having a 3rd party make your stuff. If they can make more building something else they will do that. Many, many years ago I built several aquarium products. It was a side gig for my down time on my cnc router. About 6 years ago I built a product that I ended up selling off the design for as I got tired of seeing them sold in China for less than my material cost. They were even using my pic to sell them. Heaters are one of those things, we can very easily build high quality heaters that will last a decade or more. The problem is no one wants to pay for them. Even if it was cheaper in the long haul.
  4. Got a little bit of time to work in the stand. Holes in the back of the stand for the filter hoses. With bonus jig and router bit used
  5. Hand powered forklift. Or maybe one of the walk behind electrics. That's how we moved tanks when I was building custom aquariums a couple life times ago.
  6. I mixed salt water in those for well over a decade for reefs. No issues
  7. yes they can. that is not saying they will, but i have had several eels over the years, every one died from carpet surfing.
  8. no because gallons means nothing when it comes to needed strength. the span, height and support (rim, rimless, euro braced and etc) is what is important. take a 20 long vs a 20 h. a 20 long can get away with 5 mm glass on the sides and 6.5 mm glass for the bottom. A 20 high needs 6mm glass for the sides and 9 mm for the bottom. same tank volume, but drastically different glass thicknesses. this is for a stanard tank with 3.5-4x safety factor.
  9. i cant say always, but 99% they go into a QT. I dont medicate unless I see a reason too. I do deworm.
  10. Every soil has its pluses and minuses. I have used dirt, mineralized soil, fluorite eco complete, ada aqua soil and knock offs of just about all of them. I like the mineralized soil and aqua soil the best. One is very cheap, the other not so much.
  11. Well that's #60 mesh sand. If it was clean, dry, silica sand it would be 2950 per yd3 110 per ft3 Your tank is roughly 48"x20" so each inch of sand is roughly 960 in3 divide that by 1728 to give you .55 ft3 x110 lbs/1ft3=60.5 lbs per inch of sand. There are 2.2 lbs per pound so each 20 kg bag will give you 44 lbs. So each bag will give you about 3/4" of sand.
  12. you will have a hard time having enough waste in a reasonable sized aquarium.( think gallons in the triple digits). can it be done? sure. you would have to have a constant drip of ferts and it would be a very tight balancing act between killing your fish and growing your plants. the smallest aquaponics i saw that was maintainable and produced enough food to even produce a salad was around 1000 gallon system.
  13. Better light dispersal, lower par values.(can be good or bad.)
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