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  1. I lucked out and was given 2 flex 9 gallons from a friend. I personally love the back compartment as it keeps everything looking neat while still providing plenty of room for filter, media, and heater. They were both used and after about 6 months the light died on my first flex so I ordered a $10 aquaneat light from Amazon and I love it! Especially for only $10. I'm pretty big into aquascaping and growing as many plants as possible, then adding fish that appreciate the hiding places and several species have spawned with their fry safely growing in the dwarf hair grass carpet. I'll add a couple pics of my first one, I just got my 2nd one yesterday so it's not ready to show off yet. Hopefully some of you who are disappointed with this tank can be inspired to plant heavily and stock lightly. I nicknamed this tank the "sexy flexy" haha hope you enjoy the pics.
  2. I have a flex 9 with a dwarf hair grass carpet in the front, some S. Repens behind them, crypt wendtii on both sides, a lava rock with Japanese pennywort attached to it, a few stems of pogostemmon erectus, and a few stems of broadleaf ludwigia in the back corner. I have 2 honey gouramis (I keep them together when not breeding), 1 sparkling gourami, 6 pygmy corys, and a nerite snail. Just got my 2nd flex 9 and am planning on a large school of ember tetras and maybe a female betta or a Bolivian ram with dragon stone and heavily planted.
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