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  1. i'm set on 6 corys and a bolivian ram so far... i gotta pick mid/top dwellers that would vibe well, but i can't make up my mind. so far i've looked at: zebra/leopard danios platys emerald dwarf rasbora glowlight danios chili rasbora rummynose tetras green neon tetras marbled hatchetfish the tank needs to be at around 75F, is heavily planted, and is low-flow (sponge filter).
  2. hi again! put a trio of male endlers into my 5.5 gal planted setup about 5 days ago, but I've noticed that they're glass surfing on one side of the tank. The tank is cycled, and I've checked my water parameters, there's no ammonia or nitrites. they're the only inhabitants besides my shrimp and ramshorn snails. I'm under the suspicion that my light might be too bright for them? I use a hygger 24/7 light that has a transitional feature depending on the time of day and they seem to glass surf the most during the middle of the day and tend to stop by the late afternoon/evening when the lights start to dim. any advice would be appreciated!
  3. hi there! got a 20 gal long recently and I've been deciding what to stock it with. I LOVE psuedomugil, but I'm having trouble choosing between p. luminatus (red neon) or p. gertrudae (spotted). which one would you pick, or which one is suited better for a beginner community tank? I'm also planning on adding CPDs as well! I'm looking for what other fish could make for good tankmates for these two, would apistogramma, peacock gudgeon, or stiphodon be suitable? how many of each fish would fit comfortably in my tank? any advice or other fish suggestions are appreciated!
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