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Beech Hill Aquatics

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  1. I have bought Panda Corys and Neocaradinia shrimp from Swimming Creatures on Amazon and was very very happy with both purchases. Fish arrived in excellent shape, were good quality and packed perfectly. I will absolutely buy from them again. And I was very skeptical !
  2. I know others have answered but I'll chime in too. It is absolutely fine to continue to use. It likely has lost some of its nutrient value over time however it is likely to be minimal. I have used several different Rapashy foods that have expired due to not using it all up in time and have never had an issue. I just mixed up a batch of expired Spawn and Grow a couple night ago. It was a little crumbly instead of being a fine powder but it mixed up and set into a gel perfectly fine and all my fish are eating it without hesitation.
  3. I appreciate that you added photos along with a really good explanation for the three separate brands. The Chihiros photo to me looks like that light blows the others out of the water. Great photo. Thanks for posting the explanations of the difference. Your plants look great too ! Are you using Easy Green ?
  4. Hello from Maine, Would LOVE to meet fellow Co-Op and fish enthusiast from Maine as well. Doesn't seem to be many around but I'm sure that is more a lack of a local Aquarium Club and just Maine population being spread out in general and you are all likely around ! I have followed Corey and the Co-Op as well as Girl Talks Fish Irene, Zenzo and Randy all for many years now but have always just kinda hid in the background. I'm a big fan of the Co-Op products and cannot scream loud enough about how amazing the Brine Shrimp eggs are. I currently have a small fish room with about 12 tanks ranging from 75 gallons to 40 breeder and numerous 20l, 10 and 5 gallons tanks. I am a Betta enthusiast as well as a huge fan of Corydoras of all kinds, loaches of all kinds etc. I am currently breeding Corydoras Aeneus, Paleatus and Panda Corys. Pandas and pygmys are by FAR my favorites. Also have a decent colony of blue Neocaradinia shrimp. Anyway, hello and thanks for reading ! - Keith - Beech Hill Aquatics !
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