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Mississippi fish guy

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Everything posted by Mississippi fish guy

  1. Do you know anything about keeping them? If so can they be kept in soft water with angel fish and tetras? @Biotope Biologist, @Tlindsey i will probably take the rasbora back since I wasn’t trying to get it and I already have a stocking plan but I will try to get a picture once it has colored up.
  2. I was looking around the pet store I get most of my fish from and found some fish that I can’t identify. this last one looks like a loach but I’m not sure. also does anyone know what plant this is? and this tetra was caught with the rummy nose and I don’t know what it is.
  3. That is a partly why I’m redoing the tank. What ways could I try and prevent this from happening. Could you elaborate more. I like the idea of doing dirt with no cap. What type of dirt did you use and would it be a problem for a Bolivian ram? Also how would plant the plants? Could I soak the castings in a 5 gallon bucket? If not could I only partially fill the 55 gallon. Also is there a type of dirt I could get that would not have as much ammonia?
  4. I plan to redo the substrate in my 55 community tank since I think I may have more of a dirt problem than a tannin problem. I was thinking about trying worm castings capped with black diamond blasting sand and I was wondering how should I do this and should I use medium or fine grain sand since it will be a planted tank.
  5. Can you explain what you mean I’m not sure what your talking about?
  6. I need to recharge my purigen but I can only find 7.5 sodium hydrochlorite bleach. Will this work to recharge purigen and if so what water to bleach ratio should I use?
  7. What’s that? also is it supposed to smell like vinegar after you soak it?
  8. I just got some seachem purigen and while originally I was going to put it in my 55 community tank I now plan on putting it in my moina culture. However I’m not sure how effective it will be since I only run a sponge filter in that tank. If that would not be effective is there a way I can use it effectively in that tank without a filter sucking up all the moina?
  9. I’m currently figuring out some of what I will stock in my 55 community tank. My question is can you keep guppies, angelfish, tetras, corys, and an Amazon puffer together? I’m not sure if these fish can handle higher the and kh. also let me know if this would be over stocking. 1 angelfish 1 Amazon puffer 1 clown pleco 6 corydoras 4 kuhli loaches 10 rummy nose tetras 10 cherry barbs 10 black neons 10 black phantom If this is not overstocked would there be room for the guppies if these other fish could handle the increased gh and kh. also I don’t have most of the fish on this list so it is adjustable.
  10. I have had the guppies since may or April. I will get the crushed coral for the tank they are in soon as I can. Thanks for the help.
  11. All four are less than a year old. The two that have issues are fry from the original ones I bought. It was active yesterday and sort of was early I’m not home so I can’t give its current status. It ate last time I fed i have fed them consistently since I think I was feeding too much and that both females are pregnant. I will feed tonight and see if it eats. It seems to also have an issue with its upper lip
  12. I recently removed 4 adult guppies from my 55 community after reading that too many tannins were bad for them this make is pine coming and swimming weird after the move but the female had the bent spine before. Current tank ammonia 0.25 ppm will be doing water change tomorrow as I don’t have time today nitrite 0 nitrate 50 ppm Gh 0 kh 40 ph 6.8-7.2 (I’m not good at reading ph) temperature 80 Fahrenheit the tank they came from ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 gh 0 kh 80 Ph between 7.6 and 8 temp 80 Fahrenheit high in tannins if you need more info please let me know. also should I remove the guppy fry from the 55 with the tannins? They were born in that tank so I’m not sure if that makes a difference.
  13. Thanks for the help. I’ll be working on that soon. I know Raphael catfish are slow growers and it won’t be that size when I get ready to set up the 10 gallon it’s in for pigmy sunfish,. so I was wondering if it would do fine with smaller fish or will it try to eat them since it would have much more space in my other 55 gallon?
  14. Thanks for clarifying that. I might try that in my main tank as well as my moina/snail culture. I have had issues with ammonia in my culture but water changes remove too many moina for me to do them regularly ( unless their small water changes).
  15. All of the wood is fine for aquariums to my knowledge. Only the large one in the center was collected from a dead tree in the woods around my house. I’m not sure what kind of tree it came from but this I a picture of it’s leaf I soaked that piece but there were very few tannins though I had to weight it down for a day to keep it on the bottom. All of my other wood was dry when I bought it. The mopani wood was soaked as well to remove some of the tannins and the spider wood I got from Amazon was boiled a final time prior to use so that it would not have to be weighted down.
  16. I boiled most of the tannins out of the wood in my wolf fish tank so the water is clear with a reasonable amount of tannins. It has been in the tank for a few months so I suspect that the wood in the topsoil is also a major contributor. I have my light on a timer for 9 hours a day. There are small particles of dirt from under the sand in the water and a lot of very small white dots that I think are infusoria. And no the white dots are not on any fish. I don’t mind some tannins but right now there are just too many.
  17. I do have a test kit and test strips I have difficulty reading ph sometimes. I think it is around 7.6
  18. It could be. The lights I have are old I I plan on getting a new one when I can so I’ll have to keep an eye on that. I do not test my water regularly, should I?
  19. This is my red wolf fish tank. I recently bought a striped ralphael catfish to be bob’s tank mate. Both will hide on the bottom so I was wondering how can I provide more hiding spots on the bottom? I do not want to add any pipe to this tank. I can move the Pogostemmon being that is is fairly new but my crypts and sword have been in this tank for over a year and I would prefer to leave them were they are but if I should move them how should I do that? I will remove the large piece of wood in the center if necessary. Also my striped ralphael catfish is about two inches and Bob is between 8 and 9 inches so at what size should I introduce my catfish being that Bob has a history of attacking larger tank mates between 3 and 5 inches if he gets to hungry. Thanks.
  20. this is my 55 community tank. A few months ago I repainted the back and when I set up the tank again I used topsoil caped with pool filter sand. The topsoil contains a lot of wood and I was wondering if there is a way to remove some tannins without using chemicals or buying a filter being that I only plan on using sponge filters. If not how long until the tannins do not darken the water this much? Would it be better if I just redid the tank again? Thanks.
  21. What plants did you use? I plan on setting up a 10 gallon for pigmy sunfish and I wanted the tank to be like that but I’m not sure what plants to use.
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