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  1. I know it’s a year+ later sorry, but how did this work out for you? It 100% was a Bentley vid btw, I watched it one night a few months back and have been waiting on the grape leaves in Oregon to come back, now they are here and I’m curious. The vibe I got from the vid, it’s on one of his playlists can’t remember the exact vid, but I assumed he was talking about sticking it in the substrate root tab style like supplemental, I hadn’t thought to do it this way with a layer. Anyways I have some leaves currently and am going to use them root tab style right now in a 30 gallon, would love an update though cause the lasagna layer is a cool idea too I’d love to try it. made an account just to respond to this edit- my tanks are all fluorite red, fluorite black, or a mixture of the two, thought I’d add that since fluorite was mentioned previously
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