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  1. Yes the rocks are to slow the flow a bit and yes I'm seeding the smaller filter for 10 gal
  2. Yes I have some floating plants. But not alot it's a nice glob of them
  3. Nahhh your tank must look greattttt
  4. Yessss some places even sell them as feeders which is dumb I think what they do is called shoaling
  5. I love the way they display and they school with my silver tip tetras
  6. Stocked with 5 whiteclouds 5 silvertip tetras 8 male guppys 11 females 4 panda Cory's 1 tiger Cory 4 otocinclus feel free to ask questions 😃👍
  7. I have 5 and I can say they are the most cute and well behaved lil buddies the guppys and silvertips have some aggression but no fin nipping so far but back to the point whiteclouds are awesome and underrated I have 5 and I can say they are the most cute and well behaved lil buddies the guppys and silvertips have some aggression but no fin nipping so far but back to the point whiteclouds are awesome and underrated I have 5 and I can say they are the most cute and well behaved lil buddies the guppys and silvertips have some aggression but no fin nipping so far but back to the point whiteclouds are awesome and underrated
  8. Yess well I am going to be setting up my 10 gal soon so I guess yess I am doing that unknowingly lmao
  9. Quick noob question what is seeding also I just did it since it's kind of heavily stocked or atleast I think it is
  10. Yesss I am new to the hobby I love it so much I plan on expanding alot I have my 10 gal my other 20 long and a 55 gal I all plan on setting up soon
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