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  1. Good to know, good thinking. I will hold off on that idea. I am still interested in the Honey Gourami, just concerned if I have a single Honey if they will get lonely/depressed.
  2. I just saw this post! I hope ol Salvador is doing very well now a days!
  3. Post updates and pictures of your rescue!
  4. Probably not the best but parasites/internal worms lol. At the time they feel like the most significant hitchers!
  5. Thank you! I think with good care your female bettas will bounce back quickly. Bettas are truly awesome with their personality. The airstone and almond leaves will for sure help. Good recommendation.
  6. Have you or anyone ever kept multiple female bettas in a tank?
  7. I remember when I rescued my samurai betta from a pet store (I named him Comet). He was practically dead and the clerk was like "are you sure?". He bounced back extremely quickly and lives in a 5 gallon with a few shrimp and Pygmy Coreys. I think it's awesome you are trying to heal them back up, especially female bettas. They always seem to be left out. I think one of the first meals I gave him was a super high protein frozen brine shrimp. He absolutely went nuts and loved it. I think a good meal can really boost morale for a fish and help them.
  8. How is keeping your honey gourami by himself? Does Alfie do ok? I'm thinking of getting a single Honey Gourami for a 10 gallon
  9. my LFS had a large amount of Chili Rasboras the other day, they definitely looked nice. I am inbetween Chilis, Honey Gourami, and Indostomus Crocodilus. Has anyone had the Crocodilus? I just started researching the Crocodilus.
  10. Thank you!!! Have any of you all kept a single Honey Gourami? Was it interactive and did it get lonely?
  11. Hello everyone, I have a 10 gallon tank that has been running for about 10 months. I previously had swordtails but recently traded them in. The only fish currently in the 10 gallon is a juvenile Zebra Pleco. I am looking for stocking ideas? I'd like to get something with a personality. I currently already have a betta in another tank and tetras in a 3rd tank. I'm looking for something a little different. Please let me know your ideas and thoughts!
  12. Most definitely! Excited to watch him grow.
  13. I woke up today and went to feed my fish and saw this little guy hanging out in my water lettuce!! Do you think it's a Nego Dagua baby?
  14. I'll keep that in mind. I have some frozen blood worms hopefully he will like! thank you!
  15. Hahaha good to know. The swordtails are super active and hunt down any food I place in the tank. The Zebra eventually eats but he can be overpowered by how determined the swordtails are. Do you recommend any carnivore diet items? I have some Repashy bottom scratcher and the Zebra does not seem to be interested in it.
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