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Everything posted by blackout_titan

  1. @Colu thank you for the response. after some looking online with some pictures it looks alot like Dermosporidia. i attacthed 2 more photos trying to get a side shot but the tetra was darting about.
  2. pH 7.2 Nitrates 25ppm Hardness 11 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 KH/Buffer 120ppm Water Temperature 76f hello i had noticed a small spot on one of my cardinal tetras it was a small spot on its lips a few days ago. i originally thought maybe it hurt itself. now it has grown significantly. i may be wrong but now im thinking some sort of parasite. im fairly new to fishkeeping so im not 100% how to help it. any advice is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance.my stocking currently is 10 cardinal tetra and multiple species of Corydoras that add up to about 17 corydora, they are all in a 60 gal fully planted tank with a fluval 307 and large sponge filter
  3. im not sure what the sellers parameters were. i bought them from aqua hauna i drip acclimated them for about 3-4 hours before adding them to the tank. i do not beileve thy were adults. they were much smaller then my other shrimp i have both my gh and kh bottles dont expire until 2028 any advice on how to raise my ph easier. out of the tap its around a 7.2-7.8 ph but seems to drop over time i throw a few in there and some days its all gone the next day and sometimesthere are a few pellets left over. i do feed 5-6 pellets at a time i also see no signs of lesions or parasites
  4. Hello everyone about a month ago i purchased some etsi rasboras and 20 cherry shrimp. i also added about 7 other cherry shrimp from another tank i had when they arrived. both rasboras and cherry shrimp have been doing well for about 3 weeks but since the start of this week 2/12/2024 i have found 1 or 2 dead shrimp a day . below i have everything i could get on my tank and any helpful input would be very much appreciated. i also attached a picture of the tank aswell Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 29 gal How long has the tank been running? 1year Does it have a filter? aqueon 30 hob filter with intake sponge Does it have a heater? yes set at 75f What is the water temperature? 75F What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) 9 juvenile etsi rasboras and 27 cherry shrimp Maintenance How often do you change the water? 10-25% waterchange every 2ish weeks What do you use to treat your water? api stress coat Do you vacuum the substrate or just the water? vacuum the substrate every other waterchange *Parameters - Very Important Did you cycle your tank before adding fish? yes What do you use to test the water? aquarium coop test strips and api gh kh test kit What are your parameters? We need to know the exact numbers, not just “fine” or “safe”. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 25ppm pH: 6.8 gh: 11 kh: 80ppm Feeding How often do you feed your fish? feed the rasboras 2 timesa day a throw a couple pellets of xtreme shrimp food every other day What brand of food do you feed your fish. xtreme shrimp pellets and fluval bug bites Illness & Symptoms How long have you had this fish? for about 4 weeks
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