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  1. I rechecked the water parameters and they're the exact same, and it can't be an oxygen problem since he's not gasping and there's plenty of surface disturbance. Maybe he's choking on something? If someone recognizes this please help. He seems extra lethargic as well
  2. https://streamable.com/5uy4to Video here
  3. I haven’t had any issues with this 10 gallon platy tank for weeks, and I just did a water change and one of the platys is gasping constantly but not at the surface, and the other ones seem to be acting weird around him. They are all male. Could this be some kind of water quality issue? Ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: ~20 ppm pH ~7.6
  4. I had a single male platy in my 10 gallon planted tank for a while, and I just recently introduced 4 new male platies to fill out the tank. I did this to avoid any offspring as I wouldn't have nearly enough room for them in the 10 gallon, so I heard getting only male platies could be a good alternative. I learned pretty quickly that the first platy I had in the tank is now a huge bully to all the other new ones that are smaller, and even when I remove him, the other 4 still fight a little amongst themselves. This has been going on for almost a week now, and I don't know what else I can do. They don't seem to have any fin or body damage, and all of them seem to be eating enough during feeding, so I was wondering if anyone could provide some tips on what I could do about this or maybe just some relevant advice, because for all I know it could just be a natural thing with male platies. Videos: https://streamable.com/0absvm, https://streamable.com/bhxp6o, https://streamable.com/2zpu5r (In the videos, the big orange one with the long black dorsal fin is the original platy I had. The first link is a video where I took him out and the other 4 platies fought anyway.)
  5. Sorry! I did end up getting my water tested, and it turns out that the ich x I used in my tank 100% crashed my cycle, and my tank had 2.0 ppm of ammonia. I kind of feel like an idiot for not noticing it, but all you can do is move forward so I took out ~80% of the duckweed that was dead. I was able to completely restart my cycle to normal again, and now the small patch of duckweed I have left looks very green and healthy and is all floating normally. Most if not all the algae that was in my tank died off and is now at a completely reasonable level.
  6. Thank you for this response, I was considering getting seachem flourish, but looking at this I will probably go for easy green instead. I ended up getting my water tested at my LFS, and turns out the ich X medicine I was using to treat my new cardinal tetras completely crashed my cycle, and my tank is full of ammonia, and no nitrites or nitrates. It explains why my duckweed grew very well for a couple of days because that was before I started treating with the ich x. I am dosing seachem stability and prime every day, and doing 30% water changes every other day while I wait for my new master test kit to show up. Another contributing factor to why I didn’t notice this at first is because I was using test strips that I now know are terribly inaccurate. I will probably not dose any more ferts until the cycle stabilizes again.
  7. I ended up taking out some of the duckweed today, and it seemed to help with the problem of the sideways ones, but I did notice a lot of dead white leaves among the duckweed so I’m gonna take some water to my LFS to get it tested to see if I’m lacking in any nutrients. The duckweed inside the ring is just from times I’ve accidentally bumped the ring down for a second and some of the DW got through, but this doesn’t happen super often luckily because I’m pretty careful.
  8. How would I go about fixing this? My tank already has somewhat of an algae problem, but for some reason I can barely grow anacharis or duckweed, the two plants that are supposed to grow like crazy. Maybe a fertilizer issue? I dose with Fluval Plant Gro+ micronutrients
  9. The ring is hooked around the intake pipe, and because of its square shape it usually barely moves. The water the duckweed is in is completely stagnant, even to the extent that a film starts appearing in the spaces on the surface of the water after a day. The duckweed seems to be getting more than plenty light as well, so it must be the nutrients. I’ll make sure to dose some more fertilizers. I will send pictures shortly
  10. The only other thing I was worried about is that the color of the duckweed is starting to fade, and there seems to be algae growing on some of the roots, could this mean it’s dying out? I have been treating the tank for ich recently and it may be entirely possible that the daily 30% water changes could be lowering the available nutrients…
  11. I just recently added this floating 3d printed ring to keep the duckweed out of my HOB filter stream, and now the duckweed won’t float upright, and there’s a lot of debris attached to the roots of it. I can tell it has to do with the floating ring I used, but everyone says that having surface agitation is bad for duckweed… Is there anything I can do to fix this?
  12. I just recently added this floating 3d printed ring to keep the duckweed out of my HOB filter stream, and now the duckweed won’t float upright, and there’s a lot of debris attached to the roots of it. I can tell it has to do with the floating ring I used, but everyone says that having surface agitation is bad for duckweed… Is there anything I can do to fix this?
  13. https://streamable.com/lqayde Update: the cardinal tetras I brought in may have ick. I noticed these small white spots on them and I’ve heard that that can be the first stages of it.
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