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Tony s

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Posts posted by Tony s

  1. On 9/10/2024 at 5:24 PM, Cjbear087 said:

    Will it ruin my plants or is it not that big of a deal?

    My lfs warned against it. You can try it or see if you can exchange it. I haven't tried the blue with the lfs warning against it.

    looking at the difference. Blue has phosphate removers in it. So, you'll always be phosphate deficient in your plants 

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  2. On 9/10/2024 at 4:49 PM, Cjbear087 said:

    bag of chemipure blue

    if you're going to plant, use chemipure green. It's made for planted tanks. otherwise it's the same.

    On 9/10/2024 at 5:02 PM, Cjbear087 said:

    So the order of filtration will be mechanical, biological, chemical

    That's the correct flow. from the bottom to top outside, then back to the bottom in the center.  I constantly have to remind myself that each time I do a refill. 😀

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  3. On 9/10/2024 at 10:33 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

    Personally, a 29g is the bare minimum for an angelfish, but I’d rather keep them in a 55g if I can

    I agree, but that male of the pair I have is just plain mean. So, he's in a 20g for the moment. Not ideal, but he and his mate seem to be doing okay. even spawned a few times.

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  4. On 9/10/2024 at 6:36 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

    I have a 10g, 29g, and 55g, as well as a cat and a dog, not to mention three children! 😁

    Yeah, I hear that. We only have 1 adopted daughter at the moment but have had 4 of other peoples children at once before. That was way too much for us. Especially with the issues they come with. 7 cats, no current dog (my daughter is begging), 12 tanks ( the things we do for kids 😂). And a bunny (4-h project). I actually have an empty 45g. Ran out of places to put it. And what to put in it? 😀. I might put 6 of the other tanks in it to save work. Or goldfish. Haven’t raised goldfish yet. (Thinking like that is what gets me in trouble). Daughter does team dance and team gymnastics. And we run part of a livestock farm. So maintenance is a late night thing. But it’s also good therapy. 😁

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  5. On 9/9/2024 at 11:15 PM, AtomicSunfish said:

    But I can’t help but think he should be in a bigger tank. What do you think?

    He probably should be. But you can only use what you have. The thing to remember is angels grow really slowly. And what is 10” now, maybe closer to 14” next year. If your acara is being the problem, maybe it’s him that should move. And yes, people have very strong opinions on angel tank size. I have been flamed before restating coop guidelines that someone didn’t agree with. I, unfortunately, have one breeding pair in that 20g. Mostly for the safety of rest of their old tank mates.  Now if I can figure out how to get the fry to grow. Usually they only last for about 10 days. 

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  6. On 9/10/2024 at 12:25 AM, Iryna said:

    I have fritzyme 7 and I will be able to add it more

    Okay, great, with plants and fritzyme 7, you are very close. All you need to do now is wait until your nitrites go to zero. Then you’re ready for animals. As long as you keep testing when you add them to make sure you have enough bacteria.

    I have been this close several times and rushed it. And when I checked, I still had nitrites. It’s just very hard to wait sometimes 

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  7. Okay if you have those done, we need to find you a good source of beneficial bacteria. I use fritzyme 7. It contains both forms of the bacteria you need. So do your plants depending on how many and where you got them. With a lot of plants and the fritzyme, you could try fish soon.

    On 9/9/2024 at 10:22 PM, Iryna said:

    maybe I need to stop with adding fertiliser for plants

    I wouldn’t quit adding fertilizer, keeping very healthy plants makes everything easier.

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  8. On 9/9/2024 at 10:12 PM, Iryna said:

    Do I need to add Fritz fuel?

    Did you add any source of ammonia. If you didn't it may take a bit longer. The ammonia bacteria may not have started yet. What all did you use so far in your tank? Just fertilizer and the fritz complete? How many plants have you added? They are a source of the good bacteria as well. lots of different ways to go here.

    for a good idea of what the nitrogen cycle is try this video


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  9. You’re doing great. It takes a week or 2 after zero ammonia to get to zero nitrite. Completely normal. Just going to take a bit longer that’s all. When you get to zero ammonia and nitrite then you’re ready to add some fish or snails. A small amount to start with. And you could do a water change before adding 

    On 9/9/2024 at 10:05 PM, Iryna said:

    I’m not sure (( what kind of ammonia source do you mean

    Ammonia source would be something like Fritz fuel. Since you’re using Fritz complete 

    Nitrogen cycle takes 2 different bacteria. One from ammonia to nitrite. Another from nitrite to nitrate. You have nitrate being produced. I think. Unless it’s from the fertilizer. 

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  10. On 9/8/2024 at 1:37 PM, TAB said:

    assassin snails.

    @GregJ23 that could work. But it may also be food for your loaches. Just because they won’t eat one type of snail doesn’t mean they won’t eat the assassins. You could try a different, larger type of loach, possibly yoyo’s(temporarily) or zebra loaches. You may need to separate the two different types though. 

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  11. On 9/8/2024 at 10:00 AM, AtomicSunfish said:

    But it’s my understanding that not only can they decimate the vegetation in a planted tank, but they are also surprisingly aggressive and very fin-nippy

    I love how they had the flowers under water in the video. Just a quirky way to add color 

  12. On 9/7/2024 at 6:04 PM, Garavar said:

    All the current stock is fine but since I never cared for either Ram or Gourami I want to make sure I pick the safer choice rather than the one that looks better.

    Either should do fine for you. You could probably do both. Or a couple of either. Or in your case even a trio of gourami and a pair of rams. You have a lot of space available. A koi angel would look good too. More stock just means a bit more maintenance. 

    I have 5 angels and a baby electric blue acara in my 75. Plus a school of redtail rasboras and skunk corys. And you have more space than I do. 

    the rams are the right choice instead of the apistos. I had to relay second hand knowledge because I’m a bit intimidated by them and discus. But @mynameisnobody could give you the scoop on them. I believe they’re also from Florida (could be wrong though)

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