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Posts posted by Maggie

  1. I've decided to move the Gang (harlequin rasboras) out if quarantine a couple weeks early. There are no other fish in my main tank so nothing can be harmed except my wallet if I have to treat the whole tank. Acclimating with tank water now! 

    Update: All done! They're nervous for now but once they all found each other after the transfer, they immediately calmed down a bit. 


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  2. Hi Connor, welcome! I'm new too, and also have soft water. I currently have yellow neocardinia shrimp and put wonder shells in to buffer the pH because otherwise it drops like a rock. I also feed them Mineral Junkie Bites which are shrimp/snail "vitamins". One of my shrimp came with eggs but I never saw baby shrimp ☹ - now I am hoping she'll try again! Best of luck to you!

  3. 19 minutes ago, James Black said:

    A Hillstream loach would be fine in 76F. If all you have in that 45 Gallon is the 3 gouramis, hillstream loach, pleco your stocking is fine. and you could defenteley add more fish. 

    I already have 8 harlequin rasboras in quarantine, waiting to go in. Plus I want cory cats.

  4. I read an article on using aquarium salt, kosher salt, or non-iodized plain table salt, and an easy way to dissolve it is to heat a quart of water to about 100, dissolve the salt in that, let it cool down if necessary, then mix into a gallon of additional water and pour that slowly into your tank. This was done in a 10-gallon tank, so if you have a larger tank it might have to be done in several smaller steps.

  5. Hello friends! Today while looking at options for algea control critters, I was on the website of a breeder I found in my local aquarist club. He is not too far from me and breeds starlight bristlenose plecos (L183), and I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on these gorgeous fish. I was thinking of one to help control algea (knowing I will also have to feed). Allegedly they don't get larger than 5" but I am leery. I also want 1-3 pearl gourami but feel there might be fish overload if I get a pleco. My water is on the softer side and slightly lower pH (have to buffer with wonder shells so it doesn't fall below 6.6), and tank is kept at 78, so it seemed this would be a good option. I also loved the hillstream loach but don't think one would be happy in my warm, calm water. Thank you for any advice! 

  6. Hi Max, my opinion (based on 25+ years paralegal experience in civil law) is that it's a disclaimer in the very rare occurrence of a catastrophic failure causing you to be the ground when sticking your hand in and be electrocuted. In court it would be called an affirmative defense.

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  7. I wonder if there is a second career in growing water sprite, or at least enough money to pay for the hobby. 

    My very large sprite has now been divided again. I swear it grows a half inch a day or more. Out of one regular size plant in September, there is now a piece in my 10-gal (itself ready to split into 2), sacrificed 2 small pieces for each of my quarantines, and now I have 3 pieces in my main tank after splitting them over the weekend. 

    What do you guys think if I take the two sprites at the top and, once my first 8 harlequins are out of quarantine, ask my LFS to trade them for 4 harlequins when I go in to get the next 8? Because if this works out I will do a tub of the stuff and start actually selling it to them. 





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  8. I am a retired paralegal specialist of over 25 years, and another 7 years in the USAF and  >10 years of miscellaneous administrative jobs. I funded my startup costs with vacation money that wasn't used this year. I'm glad I saved a lot for that would-be vacay (for over a year and a half), because I had zero fish stuff of any sort and probably went slightly overboard - hahahaha! I can absorb the monthly cost into my budget, especially when the fish provide free mental health and entertainment services! 


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  9. Yesterday I did a 30% water change on my 45-gal and cleaned the glass top, but nitrates still on high side (no fish in here yet) so i did another 15% WC today. Also installed airstone in the sponge filter, and installed the pre-filter sponge on the HOB intake (oops, got the wrong size and it's gigantic). Yesterday the siphon stopped working for some reason so had to empty by hand. I have to fill with several 1-gal jugs and a couple of 3-gal jugs that are just too heavy at my age to hold and pour from shoulder height. Dumping the large bucket of old water 4 times wasn't good for my back, either. I don't have a good setup for water changes so have decided to do smaller WC more often, maybe 10% twice a week instead of 15-20% weekly.

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  10. 56 minutes ago, Daniel said:

    I know it seems like I have heard that also. I think it is in regards to cut flowers, but I don't remember why that helps cut flowers. I know with grafting fruit trees you cut at an angle to maximize the surface area of the graft (and it also provides better support). Maybe surface area is also the explanation for cutting at angle with cut flowers.

    I think the best thing you can do when cutting a plant's leaf or stem is to cut with the sharpest, cleanest cutting tool possible. I would use an extremely sharp blade as scissors are rather blunt and crush as much as they cut.

    It is the same as your skin. Would you rather have a laceration that was a clean sharp cut, or a jagged torn wound with crushing?

    Daniel, with regard to cut flowers, I believe the claim is so they can drink more water and stay fresh longer. I have no idea if that's true. I always do, and put a little sugar in my flower water, if flowers don't come with a packet of nutrients, on the very rare occasion I get them, just in case it does help. ⚘

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  11. 3 hours ago, Paul said:

    Many fish succumb to disease caused by stress. The stress can be aggression from tank mates or it be from the environment in the tank. The stress weakens the immune system and once that happens you’ve got sick fish.

    Stress also causes illness and greatly exacerbates otherwise mild diseases in people, too!! 

  12. Just now, Andrew Geiger said:

    Are you asking about the swelling/color near the vent/anus? It could be a gravid female. I would keep an eye on it though, parasites are possible. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion of an internal parasite until you familiarize yourself with that breed though. Gravid females my first guess. Not the easiest pictures to diagnose (a good quality one wouldn't even help me, but others might appreciate it. I wouldn't zoom so much; it makes for a low resolution)

    Andrew, thank you!!! I started to wonder if that could be it, because she is acting/swimming normally, defecating normally, and eating normally. And she definitely appears to be female because of the rounded triangle and the lighter dorsal and tail fins. There's just that dark spot near the vent/anus (thanks didnt know what it was) and a slight swelling in her abdomen which is gone now. I named this group Cool and the Gang and she is Cool because she is the largest. I have not medicated but am keeping a close eye on them all (how can you not? They're so beautiful and animated!!)

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