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Posts posted by Maggie

  1. 13 minutes ago, Frogmouth Catfish said:

    With my AquaClear filters, I like to spraypaint the intake black with Krylon Fusion, and use a Coop sponge on the intake. I fill the chamber with coarse sponges but don't back it tight--I also like to leave about an inch at the top to run fine filter floss (just WalMart pillow stuffing) as mechanical filtration, which I swap out as it gets clogged.

    Hi Frogmouth, which coop filter do you use on your intake? I was thinking of getting one - have a marineland biowheel. Thanks!

  2. I voted for harlequin rasboras as that's my choice for a large school in my 45. But for my 10-gal, I have dwarf emerald rasboras (danio erythromicron) (similar to galaxy rasboras and can interbreed) which appreciate a lower temp (70-75) and a slightly higher pH (7.2-8.2) (figures are from various websites). Any of your choices sound beautiful!

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  3. 3 minutes ago, AtomCatMatt said:

    Thats so freaking awesome, you took my plain idea and made something unique! Fantastic Work! 😁

    Just scissors and a glue-stick, because at the store I wasn't sure if i wanted black or green. The green alone was way too much and drowned out the plants, so I used my elementary school art skills to incorporate just a little. 😃

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  4. The tiny glass top for my 10-gal finally arrived! For some reason the aqueon brand hasn't been available though they make one it. I got the Top Fin brand (Petsmart) which is the only one I could find. I am pretty happy with it. Also put the heater in the tank- takes up a lot of room. I made a background yesterday out of black and green construction paper (thanks for the idea @AtomCatMatt and @classicshooter!) for a total cost of $3.98 plus tax, and put that up today.





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  5. I am having the same problem. All the red root lost their long roots being whipped around by the current. A bunch are stuck behind the filter area. There are videos of how to make a homemade feeding ring (along the lines of - cut the circular edge of a plastic container top to make a ring, sand down sharp edges) which can be used to contain plants or give access to floating food (or air for gouramis, et al.)

  6. I just finished fishless cycling with ammonia (specifically made for aquarium cycling). I added drops daily until the ammonia rose to 4+ppm. I kept the ammonia at 4+ppm until nitrites spiked, then kept between 2-4ppm until both plummeted. It took about 6 weeks. I also have plants in the tank. I did a couple water changes when nitrates got in the 160ppm range. Now I am keeping it cycled with smaller amounts of ammonia until I put fish in there, with 20% weekly water change. I would imagine the fish food method would work about the same way, where you add small amount daily as if you're feeding fish and test water daily.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Steph’s Fish and Plants said:

    Big news: I got new fish! I picked up 6 celestial pearl danios at my LFS on Monday, and they’re settling into their QT tank well. I hatched out live baby brine today (quite a bit too much oops 😅) and also fed frozen daphnia (which they get in the store). They’ll be getting a water change later today, and I may start a preventative deworming treatment, but I’m not sure if I will, since they seem to have round bellies and are eating well. I was gonna get some pseudomugil gertrudaes that they had but they had sold and been replaced with clown killis who got Ich. I’ll be keeping my eye out for more gertrudaes tho. Does anyone know if you can breed signifiers in freshwater? I’ve heard they’re brackish or fresh but I’m not sure about fry. 






    They're adorable! I was wondering what the younger ones might look like, as I have juvenile danio erythromicron (dwarf emerald rasboras) which I've heard can interbred with CPDs and shouldn't be kept together. Mine have been in q for almost 2 weeks and have been very shy, but today one gave me a little swim show. ❤




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  8. Update: I cut the long stem on the right (in the pic from 2 weeks ago) at the point where the new rootball was going wild, took a big piece to float in the quarantine tank (babies finally starting to explore it!) and planted the rest in my 10-gal. Here are pics of all 3 sprites growing like mad. 


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  9. I can't get a good closeup as its on the back glass of my tank, but I also saw a couple of them free swimming. I don't have fish in this tank yet TG but am wondering if the worms will die of starvation without fish/fish food in there, or if I need to treat with panacur. And if so then I guess I need to take my 4 new snails out and quarantine them but have no idea where as I have no more tanks. 

    The worms are small. The pics are 10x mag on my cell. Any help in identifying and eradicating appreciated!



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