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Retired Geezer

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  1. Sad to hear about that devastating event. You have a lot of fortitude to keep going after all that. Welcome, friend
  2. Beautiful Fish. I bought a bunch of 10 for a dollar 'feeder fish' at Wal*Mart about 15 years ago. I bought them to eat the mosquito larvae in my Horse's water trough. After the horse departed I put them into a 100 gal pond. Some of them have lasted 15 Idaho winters including the pond icing over a couple of times. Every now and then one dies but I figure I got my moneys worth. I say go for it. What size is your tank? I've never kept Goldfish indoors so the large and small rocks are new to me.
  3. Retired Geezer here. My neighbor brought over a 2.5 gal tank with one sad guppy for me to watch while he is on vacation. My wife and I have had tanks before and this triggered happy memories. Well you can guess what happened, we're off to look for a 20-29 gallon tank for ourselves. It's been 40 years since we had fish and I remember the filter was called an 'under gravel filter'. Do they even have these anymore? Second question. Should lights be on 24/7 or should I turn them off during dark hours to help the fish maintain diurnal rhythm.
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