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  1. Thanks for this old thread. May I ask if anyone did have success with bay leaves? I have access to a large bay tree here in the PNW and just curious to know more before trying it out with my little bloody mary shrimps. Also wondering if it’d be better to try them fresh green opposed to dried. Best!
  2. Hi all I’m new here, just breeding my first endlers and taking as many notes as I can to improve knowledge and care. On Nov 10th I was gifted 4 fry, and documented initial colouration and gonopodium flexing a few days ago (precisely 25 days / 3.5 weeks) in one of of my young males, and no colouration but gonopodium development and flexing in the other - A sneaker male as I learned from this string! Meanwhile the two assumed females do appear to have gravid spots, and have started to hang out with the tank sorority and avoiding the males. This is all quite a bit earlier than the others are reporting here - so just thought to chime in. I’m also starting to wonder how much time I have left now before those males might be able to breed with their sisters if I don’t interfere, if anyone wants to hazard a guess at fertility age based on their “puberty” at 25 days. I’m lastly curious about possible sex changes over time - reading here is the first I’ve ever heard. Would love to know more if anyone wants to share their observations. Thanks kindly!
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