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Posts posted by JE47

  1. I have just received a pair of Betta Mandor a rarer species of the betta family and in receiving them I have decided to create a journal where I can document everything I notice or experience in keeping them. This also stems from being unable to find much of anything in the way of personal experience bout caring for this beautiful fish in captivity. Hopefully this is helpful to anyone wanting to keep wild bettas or just wanting to know more about this species.

    Their current parameters are a ph of 6.5, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrate, and 10 Nitrite, temp 85 F. After acclimating the pair both began exploring their new home with both sticking close to each other understandably. While exploring the tank both attempted to eat random things the male made several attempts to eat a snail and the female tried to eat a leaf of dwarf sag. I did a first feeding of frozen bloodworms by taking a single worm in a set of planting tweezers and wiggling it around in the water the fish then quickly came and after a first sample ate quite a few worms. For appearance both male and female after two hours of acclimating had a coloring of a very light milk chocolate no visible gold or red bars on their cheek area. The male does have a blue iridescence color on the edges of all his fins with both fish having a iridescent blue rim on their eyes. At two and half hours after acclimating faint gold bars have started to appear. Eight hours of acclimating the gold bars on both male and female cheeks has become pronounced with a faint black color appearing on the edges of the male's fins just under the blue band. Last thing for this post I have seen the bettas "yawn" opening their big mouths they look very cute when they do it. Will post an update soon with pics!

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  2. I just received a pair of betta mandor a species of betta that has very little information on how it has been kept in the aquarium hobby or been bred. I am going to be documenting my experience with them and would be happy to as I gain more information observing the species to add to your book.

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  3. I agree with @clownbaby a crayfish is going to see your pygmies as a snack so I wouldn't do that combination. A betta should be fine but as with all betta fish you can't tell how they are going to react to tankmates. Do already have the betta in the tank? If you do you might want to change around the decor when you introduce the cories that way the betta doesn't have established territory and kill the cories.

  4. On 5/30/2024 at 8:52 AM, clownbaby said:

    Yes - it is always ironic to me that people do not support wild-caught fish, yet they will purchase many foods that directly lead to deforestation.

    I agree especially since some hobbyists buy wild caught species for conservation purposes keeping certain types of fish around for future generations

    On 5/30/2024 at 9:00 AM, clownbaby said:

    small active tetra species do you recommend for my tank? Color / appearance isn't too important to me, as long as they stay small.

    Do you know what kinds of tetras your local fish store stocks usually?

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  5. For helping prevent fungal growth you can use aside from methylene blue you could use Indian almond leaves or 4% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide which I have used before. I wouldn't say that methylene blue is necessarily an outdated practice but if you where to say want to use a more natural fungal deterrent than Almond leaves are the way to go.

  6. On 5/19/2024 at 6:42 PM, clownbaby said:

    I also think clown plecs are so cute >.> 

    Glad you think they are cute 😄 Not everyone does but I think they have a charm to them just be aware they need lots of wood to munch on and they love cucumbers as a snack. Because clown plecos munch on the wood they can create lots of debris on the substrate just something to keep in mind. Let us know what the final stocking is.

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  7. I have two tanks in my bed room and I love it! 😄 Largest tank I have in my room is a twenty-nine gallon. The only thing is that ninety gallons is a lot of water and weight if you have it on a second story floor I would be careful there are threads discussing having a tank of this size on second story and good support options. If not on a second story it should be stable on first floor still be careful its lots of water.

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  8. There was a similar thread post a year or so ago that included both exotic and rare fish this thread is dedicated only to rare fish. The thread was born out of the fact that I have been searching for a fish whether it is rare or not is I could not tell you what I can tell you is that has been very difficult to get a hold of and is called hyalobagrus flavus a fish that I have never seen in a fish tank. This inspired me to ask:

    1. What is the rarest fish you have kept?

    2. What inspired you to keep it?

    3. Would you recommend others keep it?

    4. Do you still keep it?

    Excited to see everyone's answers 😀

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  9. Welcome to the forums! This is a great place to learn and people are great at helping each other out. First you're going to want to create a post in the disease section of the forum where it will receive the proper attention. When you post there don't forget to include the water parameters for both of your tanks and photos of all the sick livestock. Good luck and you are already doing great as a fish parent learning from mistakes.

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