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Everything posted by BettaFishCO

  1. @Patrick_G wow, that was easy. Thanks, I was looking into fabrication but decided i might just make them myself. I think I need 1500 total and then I would only need replacements. I switched to a mason jar model that should be pretty easy. I don't need it to look nice but I do need it to self-change and clean. Hopefully I have it set up in the next week.
  2. Hey Dr. Pat, I'm not too worried about container size as this would be my temporary cupping solution before wholesale. But do you have a link for the custom ones? I think last time i went to their site it was only those 35~ or so ones and they were $1500. With the pump and 105-gallon sump, i made a self-watering 150 cup system for around 500 (pump was almost $300). On another note, how do I tag people in a reply? or do they get notified no matter what?
  3. Hey Rube Gold, Am i on something or are those kissil lights a new type of led? Are they not cob Leds?
  4. Patrick, If your talking about his store front walls, yea, those are super nice. I wish they would make them expandable or at least in 100 racks or bigger. Hi Rube Gold, Thanks, ill look them up now.
  5. Thanks Colu, Thats a relief. These guys pig out on the pellets so i was a little worried but like i said, only a very small percentage get this kink. Thanks for the insight. I'm super strict on who I allow to breed. Any sign of weakness and there off of the breeding block. All kinks so far have gone into my bichir tank. I cant sell them or breed them so they might as well be good fish food.
  6. Streetwise, I believe you mentioned an adaptor for freshwater for apex. what was that called again? I'm a fan of old school. The new age stuff seems to need wifi connection all the time or it'll glitch out. IDK about these systems but prefer more robust over features I don't need or that don't save time.
  7. StreetWise, my man, I think my shirts wet from airing my mouth out. This is exactly the type of system I'm looking for. Not a bad price either. Pretty much 3 of them replace a full-time employee. Any quirks? Or is it all "relatively" simple? Also, if i run multiple 770gallon systems can i branch one unit to test multiple reservoirs or is one system for each controlled reservoir? Thanks for the intel, helps a lot
  8. Patrick with the win, I'm already fairly familiar with algae and light intensity leading to algae. Let's say my first tanks about 4 months ago bloomed like crazy. I definitely want an adjustable light for this reason. The first plant I mastered was algae (kind of on purpose so I would know how to handle it). I've come across mainly hair algae, black beard (I forget its name), and hydras (its carnivore algae in my book😅). Everything has been treated 2 ways. 1 is with chemicals and the other way has been forms of all natural methods. Both had 100% success and now 2 of the first tanks haven't been changed since treatment (both natural method tanks). I think the most effective method was light starvation. Now, I actually would love algae in some of my tanks but between my kid'o lights and floaters, it seems impossible even when ferting. My option now is to get a light strong enough that I can increase and decrease algae growth in the tanks I want it in, and that storm affect is pretty neat. I thought the fluval was the top of the line, good to know there is more out there. Ive seen some over priced cob lights but wanted more features and just looked pretty basic (their excellent at growing house plants though). Do you know when there light will be out? Im all about co-op. Just watched another video and changed my new fishroom setup to match. The guy also makes a decent betta wall (cups). Thanks again for all the feed back, this forum is a fast forward forsure. Also, whats a sig?
  9. Thanks StreetWise, Looks like im digging after a rabbit today.
  10. Thanks JJenna, Looks really cool. They changed the red spec to pink on this light which is interesting. Glad its adjustable. Definitely different diode spectrums then I've seen.
  11. Thanks again Patrick, So I'm new to aquarium plants but I do have some that are supposed to turn pretty red with more light. IDK the strength of light any water plants require or if the par rating crosses over to aquatic plants since the water may change the wave lengths. I'm literally in the dark.
  12. So, I know worlds of info on grow lights but not one thing on aquarium lights. I have no idea what spectrums penetrate the best, provide the best light for under water plants, and which ones are good for fish. I know I've spent over 3k on a single black dog fixture before but I'm pretty sure that's not the way to go here. I looked briefly at Fruval lights (I actually don't know) and I think it's the one that mimics storms. I would like one that can do that as I do breed some stubborn rain season breeders and I suspect it might be at least 1% better then not having it and they were pretty cheap (around 200-240). Thanks again for the help, so much to learn.
  13. Was testing my PH with my old BlueLabs ph pen but it looks like its done for. I'm looking for the best of the best ph, ppm, temp, etc. meters in the world. I don't want cheap stuff that ill instantly replace (like my recently bought 25$ ppm meter). Looking for the best in the field. I know with hydroponics bluelabs is pretty much the go to but maybe aquarist have a better one. Thanks for the help.
  14. Hi Again, So, I've been breeding betta fry for a few months and realized, during the grow out, that some (maybe 2.5%) developed kinks in their bodies. I know I've read some are due to injury, which I thought at first since I did transfer them a few times with a baster. But I now have a beautiful batch of mostly fat betta fry but also found 2 more kinked ones. One is a small guy (maybe doesn't compete well for food) and the other is a huge koi (would suck to lose him but already out of my line up for breeders since he has had a negative symptom). both are opposites in regard to fat build up so I don't think its fat and I don't think its injury (at least by strong physical impact). Could it be like a pulled muscle, skeletal, water quality? If many things can cause it then I'll get parameters, but it usually stays pretty clean (zero ammonia, around 150 fry in a 35gallon, there body is between 5/8ths inch to 1 inch, water change every other day 50% and a vac with the change, 80F, 40+gallon sponge filter, fed mostly micro pellets and a little brine shrimp.) They don't eat blood worms, so I stopped trying. Any help would be appreciated. Also, if you have the same experience, please share. I can usually solve these things with enough info. It the fact that it's so random that's throwing me off. Never seen an adult with a kink. All i can find online is injury or possible constipation but with how much pellets they ALL eat, I'd think I would expect to see more kinked bodies. Thanks FishFam
  15. Hey Schuyler, Your correct. I've never shied away from difficult things. I believe there just like cory's but even more dependent on mimicking the rainy season. There still being conditioned so I won't know for about another 2-4 month (dont know their age) if I can get them to breed. I have 20 so hopefully at least one tank spawns.
  16. I don't seal them. Irrigation usually is pretty tight. Thats sweet Allfish, I found the issue. Looks like all my drippers were clogged with junk. I replaced them and added a inline mesh filter and all looks good. My water i think come out at 150-250 ppm. I put a cold water filter that brings it down but i havnt checked it after i installed it...... oops. But my shrimp are happy with it so it works for me.
  17. Thanks Allfish, Do you ever have problems with water pumps? I have a 420gph that was doing fine but now barley trickles. Also have a hang on 10g filter that did the same thing. Maybe hard water? What's your experience?
  18. I see, here is a close up of the bins. Each bin is fed by a 1 gallon dripper and exits through 2 1/8th inch line. This should allow me to upgrade to a 2gph dripper if I wanted.
  19. Hi Patrick, It all flows into the 5 gallon bucket filled with media, a heater, and a 420gallonhr pump.
  20. These Betta are 7 weeks old. They started to color up in the first 2-3 weeks. Can't wait to see them fully developed at 3 months.
  21. Took a quick pic of a batch of fry. Super delta blue long fin with a galaxy star koi plakat. Just wondering how genetics work and it's flawless. There is a cool chart that shows what Betta genes are dominant and recessive. Looks to be pretty accurate so we should get some great kois in the next batch. I found it incase someone wanted to nerd out with me.
  22. Thanks Jenna, Another, sort of phrase, we go is if you have attention (wondering eyes) and the best looking product, they'll sell themselves. So we'll probably start at 3 months so there fully developed. We think big, healthy, sexy fish sell the best for the lfs. I wish I knew coop sold plants before we started. Literally spent thousands on junky plants we had to grow out. Man there warehouse is absolutely beautiful.
  23. I'm super green to the industry, whats RAOK? We talked with the local fish stores and they all seem interested. We know one store sells about 200 every 30 days. The goal is to eventually take a contract to PC (2-5yr) cause we know we can treat them better with better industry practices. Till then we're just nailing down our systems. Quality before quantity. O, and just lfs for now. We feel sales are going to go really well so we don't want to sell out online and be unreliable to the lfs.
  24. This is one tub-o-fries. The bottom is a breeding bin and the larger is the 2 week grow out bin. Then off to the market...😜 Theyll be in that bin for 2 weeks, no water changes, then they'll go into a 35 gallon recycle bin till about 2months of age. This is my breeding rack with all the breeding Bettas. Mostly kings and giant galaxy star kois, and galaxy kois. They each gets about a 2 gallon pool and continuous flow from a heated rez. All have plants for some amusement and I try to feed live foods as much as possible to keep them actively looking and swimming.
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