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  1. Hello from Tucson, AZ. My better half and I are getting into fish keeping so I thought I’d join the form. We’re both pretty new to the hobby and have definitely got multi-tank syndrome. We started back in 2019, with a 5 gallon, some male guppies and shrimp. We now have the 5 gallon, a 6 gallon, two 10 gallons and a 13 gallon. We have a honey gourami, a dwarf gourami, a male betta, several guppies, strawberry rasboras, white clouds, rainbow shiners, Borneo sucker loaches, Norman lamp eye killis, Ottos, shrimp (ghost and cherry) and several different colors of kuhli loaches (normal, black, purple and hair band). We really love the kuhli loaches! They are awesome fish.
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