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Posts posted by venzi

  1. Hi.  I've been noticing these white specs of dust floating around in the water.  They're only noticeable in the evenings and when the aquarium light is turned on and there's a dark background to give the specs enough contrast to show.  Otherwise, to casual observer, the water looks pretty clear with the aquarium lights turned off.  I wouldn't say the water is milky/cloudy looking.  The water seems clear, but there's a bunch of these white specs floating around.  The water has been like this for months now and the fish seem healthy and thriving.

    I'm been feeding xtreme nano pellets and am thinking of switching up the food to see if it helps.  

    I've attached a picture (which is rather grainy b/c it's so hard to focus on these specs) and a video which manages to focus on them a bit better.


  2. @Theplatymaster So I couldn't get a video yet of the behavior yet.  But basically, the female gets side by side w/ the male and tries to rub itself on the male and I'm pretty sure I saw her anal fin flicking.  I'll repost if I can catch them in the act again.  On a related note,  I've posted about these male platies (b/c they'd try to mate w/ my female betta (only the white colored ones apparently))

    male platies are the gold/yellowish ones that are 2inch or bigger.  The females are the red wag tail variety (although one of them is more orange hue than that reddish color).  



  3. So I've had 2 male platies and 1 female platy in my tank for several months and I never saw the 2 male platies have any interest in the female platy.  A few weeks ago, I added 2 more female platies and still to my knowledge the males have no interest in the females.  Tonight, I just saw one of the female platies doing (what appears to be) a mating dance w/ the male platies.  The female would swim right next to the male and try to get real close, but the male would try to shrug her off.  This completely surprised me at the reversal in roles.  

    Has anyone ever experienced or heard of male platies having no interest in mating, but the female is proactively engaging the male platies?

  4. On 1/4/2023 at 9:05 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

    It's a common sign of internal worms. Try treatment with paracleanse first.  You'll need 3 full treatments.  Make sure you do a good siphon after each treatment during each W/C as indicated on the directions.

    Is there another phrase I should search for than "spiral poop"?  I can't seem to find anything on spiral poop.  Obviously, tons of info on stringy/white poop.

  5. Is it normal for poop to be end up in a spiral shape (similar to cinnamon roll).  As the fish poops, the poops seems to curl around on itself to create the spiral like shape.  I noticed this with a few of my female betta fish more recently.

  6. Hi.  I have a set of platies.  2 male (over 2 inches) and 1 female (1 inch) for over two months now.  I have never seen them trying to breed. I do own several female betta fish and I've seen both of the male platys try to "mate" with this specific female betta.  The female betta completely ignores the male platys which is hilarious to me and isn't phased at all about the male platies.  There's no chasing involved.  The males just try to flick their anal fin, but doesn't get any action and they move on.  Any ideas what's going on?  

    I'm wondering if the female platy is too small for the 2 male platys or they are different "species" of platys so they just ignore each other?

    female platy (1inch)

    female platy 1 inch

    male platys look like this (both are over 2 inches)


    female betta is this



  7. make sure the salt is diluted in water and you slowly increment the dosage until you reach your desired amount.   Like if your target is 5 tbsp per 10 gallons, then slowly raise it over time over days or hours - like 1tbsp per hour or something.  

  8. Hi @Colu.   So for today's feeding, she was right alongside the other fish at the top of the water column.  I think she got like one or two bites in, then started to spit out the medicated food.  I took her out and put her in a clear cup to observe her more closely.  I tried feeding her pellets again and she took to them really fast, but she stopped eating those after a few pellets (I use 0.5mm micro pellets).  So I think she's only able to eat so much then has to stop (nothing particular about whether the food is medicated or not).  But this is a drastic reduction in appetite for sure.  I do notice her doing a chewing motion all the time, but with her mouth closed.  If it were open, then it'd be a sign of gasping for air, but she typically hides next to some fake plants at the bottom of the tank.  So I don't think she's gasping for air or has a disease in her gills.  

    in the cup, I noticed that she passed a small amount of poop that looks black to me.  I notice from time to time the siamese algae eater's poop is dark.  So perhaps the platy is helping herself to some algae when I don't realize it.  

    I had a thought that maybe the white spot on her belly is a burn from the heater?  Not sure what heater burns look like on fish...


    One other thing to note.  I've never seen the other two male platys try to mate with the female platy.  Perhaps it's b/c they're different species of platy or the female is quite smaller than the males.  Or the female platy has been perpetually sick all this time and the males don't have interest b/c of that?

  9. @evonner I noticed the same rise in PH for my tap water.  Try getting a cup of tap water then letting it sit for 2-3 hours, then test the PH.  That's the "real" PH after all the CO2 or whatever gasses leave.  My tap goes from like 7.6 to 8.2ish after the gasses leave the water.

    Using those filters alone, you can't over oxygenate the tank.  There's some saturation point and even if you did over oxygenate, I don't think it's harmful in anyway.  There's some studies that have tried to over oxygenate the water to see the effect on curing diseases in fish.

    Also, keep in mind that water can hold more oxygen at cooler temps and less oxygen at hotter temps.  So if you run your heater warm, then having more source of oxygen wouldn't be a bad thing.

  10. I took another look and I think it's probably not a pregnancy bulge.  The bulge has gone down and I think it's only on one side.  I'm pretty sure the white spots on the female platy have gotten better over the week of meds, but not completely gone yet.  I'll see how a few more days of meds works out (if i can get her to eat the meds).

  11. On 12/7/2022 at 5:33 AM, Colu said:

    Does she eat the none medicated food if she is spitting out the medicated food it can because she doesn't like the taste you could add to some garlic guard to the food if she spitting out medicated and none medicated food I would worry about possible wasting disease the bloating is more than likely because she is pregnant you can get bloating with internal parasites  but spitting food out and hiding she could she is sick have you notice any other symptoms such as rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness sunken belly spitting food in any of your other fish @venzi 

    Hi @Colu.  At the start of the week, one female betta fish had fin rot starting (2 white spots on her fin) and the platy had white spots on her body.   So I started treating medicated food (made from gelatin, kanaplex + paracleanse). The platy along with the rest of the fish were eating the medicated food just fine for the entire week.  The rest of the fish still gobble the stuff up right away no problems.  She will eat the (non-medicated) pellets just fine.  I'll try again later today and see if she takes the meds.

    I can't really make out sunken belly b/c the bulge is so big (which I think you're saying is likely b/c she's pregnant).  I did notice for the past week or so that she did tend to go up to the top of the water column and stay planted in a corner and blow bubbles.  She didn't do this 24/7, but would spend a good amount of time there whenever I'd observe her.

    The female betta has recovered (no white spots, but just a darkening of the fin where the spots used to be).  The female platy still has a few white bumps/spots on her.  Now that I think of it.  I'm guessing the meds might not be working for her.  She might have some other disease than the betta.

    On 12/7/2022 at 9:40 AM, Schuyler said:

    Are her fins normal for a platy? They look kinda frayed 

    I can't tell if they are slightly fraying at the very edge of the fins or if that's the natural color (like is it supposed to fade from black to translucent at the very edge?).  But I think it's been like that for quite some time.

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  12. Hi.  I can't tell if my platy is pregnant or sick or both.  I've been feeding it medicated food for the past week and today she stops eating the medicated food.  She still comes to the top of the water column to feed but she keeps spitting it back out.  I tried a few pellets and she eats that just fine though.  She seems more sedentary/hiding/shy today than usual as well. 

    She's had this bulge in her stomach for at least 2 weeks I want to say.  But what I'm really trying to figure out is that white spot on the roundest part of her belly.  I don't think that's just like from ich or something similar to the other white spots on her body.



  13. Hi.  Anyone have rec's on fake plants (prob silk fabric for the leaves) particularly for fry to hide in.  Floating ones would be even better for ease of feeding fry at the top of the water column.  I see a bunch of fake plants on amazon (and I even have ordered one), but they have rather hard plastic leaves that can poke fish or tear fins.  

    Maybe even something DIY 🙂


  14. I did a significant rearrangement of my tank fake plants and decor recently.  During the process, I left the fish in the tank and I don't think they were that stressed from the commotion, but there was a lot of debris in the water column from having to mess w/ the gravel.  Is all that "dirty" water harmful for the fish in the water column?  Next time should I temporarily move all the fish to a bucket and then move them back in after the debris has settled down a little?

  15. I have yet to begin breeding fish, but was curious about how to approach feeding fry if they are just part of the community tank (no breeder box or dedicated tank for the fry).  Currently, I'm feeding micro pellets (0.5mm), but would I need to crush the pellets so they dissolve into the water?  Or get some flakes and crush that up?

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  16. So I've read about stringy poop when identifying fish disease, but it just dawned on me that stringy poop is perhaps different from poop that is just long.  I've seen fish poop that's like 1/2  inch long, but I realized sometimes it really is more stringy/thread-like (free form floating) vs more rigid.   Is there a difference as far as disease symptoms b/t stringy vs. simply long rigid poop?    

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