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Everything posted by MommaOlenik

  1. It was about a month ago that I changed it and the issues started but I did some deep cleaning since then and dig up all the gunk from the bottom of the tank so I’m sure it got goop on it from that. Anyway, here’s a picture of it. I have a sponge in the filter and bought the ceramic stuff but it doesn’t fit in the filter so I was thinking about hiding it behind the plants or something? I may just do what you said and buy the little charcoal packs. But I’d like to use up the cartridges I have first if possible. I just need to do some more reading on what you’re suggesting to make sure I understand it.
  2. I have a sponge in there and the cartridge was pretty dirty. But I put it in a container of tank water just in case I see it go up. That’s literally the last thing I can think of that might be contributing to the ammonia issue. So fingers crossed. I have been using prime but really just trying to find the source of the ammonia at this point since the tank has cycled.
  3. I just did a 50% water change- tested the water and as always no ammonia in the new water. I put the old filter cartridge into a plastic container with tank water just in case and changed the filter. Tested the water about a half hour later and no change!!! I don’t understand 😭🤨😡
  4. I did add a sponge about two weeks ago just in case I needed to change the filter cartridge since I read it can help with holding some bacteria lost with switching it out. Do you think it would be okay to go ahead and switch it now to get a fresh one in there? Also, the water lettuce and banana plants I ordered for him should be here tomorrow. But he has three Anubis somethings in there already.
  5. Sorry it’s seachem stability. The nitrites seem to have gone down today but the ammonia is still up. I am no longer using tap water. Just spring water. I have carbon in my filter cartridge but I’m afraid to touch it to change anything. Is there something you suggest? Thank you I’m trying to not panic but it’s hard cause I know he is stressed. I am doing 5-10% water changes of spring water everyday- no tap water and vacuuming the substrate each time. I even put him in a container and sifted through all of the gravel to make sure there wasn’t anything in there. He gets three small pellets every other to every three days but I have not fed him in 5 days now. Plants are healthy with no dead or decaying leaves.
  6. I just ordered the plants and fluval. Thank you, I appreciate any advise I can get!!!
  7. I have tried to get cycled media with no luck. Thank you for the other suggestions I will order them both right away. Thank you!!!
  8. At this point I am really fighting the urge to remove him from the tank and put him into another container or something until I can figure out what is going on. Is there any reason I should not do this? Again I am not new to the hobby and have successfully maintained tanks over 150+ gallons and even had a breeding cichlid tank. I have had this betta for over two years with no issues and now am just trying to make sure this fish doesn’t get sick because I’m missing something. Thank you!
  9. Thank you I appreciate you sharing. The problem is that we already went through all that. My cycle crashed and my poor fish had to already go through the fish in cycle over the past three weeks. We went through the high ammonia, then nitrate, and finally the spike in nitrates. Then it was good for a day or two and now we are back up to the high ammonia and nitrites are coming back again. That’s where I’m stuck and don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’m doing water changes, adding beneficial bacteria using prime to help with toxicity, and added plants over 2 weeks ago after throwing the big ones he always had from some bad advise. I’m spending a lot of time and money and just want to help make it better. I’m willing to try anything. Has anyone here had something similar can someone help me please figure out what to do?
  10. Also I decided to slowly transition him to spring water because my tap water was testing high in ammonia and obviously something was going on with the nitrogen filter so it just made sense so I’m no longer using tap water.
  11. Thank you for the advise. The problem started and then I got rid of plants from some bad advise but got new ones within 2 days. I no longer have nitrates or nitrates. Just over 1ppm of ammonia and it seems to be going higher everyday even with water changes and not feeding him.
  12. Another odd thing is my ph was steady at around 6.2 since the beginning of time and now it is up over 7 just in the last week. My tap water was always over a 7 but when I would test the tank it would be at that 6 mark. Just trying to let y’all know what I know. I’m losing my mind knowing that I should be doing something I just don’t know what to do.
  13. I have had this Berta tank for 2 years with NO issues and Moby is the coolest fish ever. It is 5 gallons with gravel substrate. Last month I tested the water and it was super high in ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites out of nowhere. The only think I did was switch out the carbon filter for a new one (whisper) like I always do a week or two prior. Started dosing seachem balance and 5% water changes daily with vacuum. Plus using Prime daily as suggested by local fish store. Calling around someone suggested it may be the plants so I threw them out in a panic and have since got more. Got the ammonia and nitrites down to zero and then the nitrates were off the chart. Got Algone per recommendation. Nitrates went down in two days. Then the ammonia spiked super high about a week ago. Watched the video on YouTube from co-op and thinking it may be tap water… have been doing 5-10% water changes daily using spring water that tests clean. And have not been feeding him for at least 4 days now and the only thing it is doing is rising. And now the nitrites are starting to look like they may be coming back. Someone please help, I don’t know what else to do and I know he is not feeling well. He has been hanging out by the filter in the back just staring at the wall and he has NEVER done that. He is usually greeting me happy and dancing. I appreciate anything you can offer. Thank you!!!
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