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Robs Fish

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  1. Flex 15 here. The noisiest thing on it is the dual-output airpump i got from amazon. Powerhead nozzle/pump is virtually silent. I've only had it a month but theres not a whole lot going on in the sump, so I don't anticipate it will get noisier with age.
  2. omg this is so true. That's why I gave up and just uploaded a couple short videos so I can get it across. As for my profile picture, yeah I used that tactic! haha
  3. Wow! What an amazing tank! Love the scape. Greetings to the forum, friend 😄
  4. Small world! I currently live in the heart of the capital region 🙂 Grew up in NYC but now I'm up here for work (IT Consultant)
  5. It's really late and I gotta get some sleep soon, but I just wanted to get this in after my introduction thread! I'm new to this and only kept bettas for the last 7-8yrs. I had a 40 long with my dad as a child, but now as an adult I really appreciate the thought of making a planted tank ecosystem Stock so far: 3/M + 6/F Endlers Livebearers (bought as endler assorted from my LFS but the males look like black bars and one is kind of red/violet with a black dot) Buce in a cup from petsmart on the crushed coral rock in the front corner Java Fern W-Java Fern (on spider wood) Four Leaf Clover plant Ambulia Jungle Val Water Lettuce A singular piece of duckweed that I want to see how fast it grows because I've never had duckweed. Call me crazy! Quick Overview: Showing off my 3 males real quickly. I'll get better pictures later. FYI: The videos I uploaded are 2160p 60fps. Slow them down if you want and make sure to bump that quality up! Let me know what you think! This is my first actual aquascape with all natural stuff.
  6. I've been watching aquariumcoop and other youtube channels for a while and after getting my Flex 15G I decided to make an account here after I finally got done aquascaping my first tank. Before this, all I had was bettas for the past 7-8 years and I was looking for something more. Watching videos of these little endlers just did it for me. I consider myself "new" this although I have all the test kits, the time to research what I run into, and the wisdom to know when to let the tank just do its thing. So yeah, just saying hi! I look forward to talking with all of you about all this nerm stuff! Gonna go post a thread to the video journals section to show off the tank and start discussion. If you wanna see it, I'll link it below when It's made! or just check my profile
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