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Summer Tubbing: Why and How


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So, I must admit that the pictures of all your summer tubs are super inspiring. So nice to see the happy fish and water lilies! But other than aesthetics, are there good reasons for your average New England aquarist with a patio (such as myself) to try it?

Is it especially useful for breeding certain kinds of fish or plants? Do you have any mosquito problems? Do they get overheated in those black tubs? Keep them in the sun or shade? When do you set them up or take them down? And where do the fish and plants go when you bring the tubs in? Do you filter them? Set up a fountain? Do you have problems with birds, bird poop, or predators? Can the fish pick up any special illnesses from being outside day and night? How often do you change the water, if ever? Have any of you used water changes from the tubs in your gardens?

Speak to me of summer tubs!

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Are there good reasons to try it? Yes. Many fish display better colors after being in natural light. They get a vastly bigger selection of food in the form of insects and whatever else finds the water. In a typical home, water temps, day lengths, never vary and you seldom have thunderstorms inside your home aquariums. All of that is more natural outdoors in a tub. A heavy rain can help trigger breeding if the fish thinks it's the start of their native rainy season. Varying day lengths and water temps can trigger breeding also. Are there reasons not to do it? Absolutely! All of the ones you questioned. And don't forget predators. A tub makes for easy pickings for a raccoon. It's kind of like a salad bar to them. Mosquitos shouldn't be a problem as fish just consider mosquito larva food. Weird stuff can appear in your tubs also. Fish fry that shouldn't be there can appear if a wading bird wandered into some sticky eggs before wandering over to your tub. (And lots of fish eggs are sticky.) When you go to close out your tub you can find all kinds of interesting stuff. Should you do it? That's up to you. As to what to do ith the fish at the end of the season, well, you'll have a now empty tub you could move inside for them.

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