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Help with Gold Barbs


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I noticed about a few weeks ago that one of Barbs gills looked red.  My pH was at 6.3, so I did a 50% water change.  My filter was also due to be cleaned so I did that too.  She didn’t seem to be improving and now it looks like the redness is on her pectoral fin.  She is also pretty bloated looking.  I also noticed tonight a bluish spot on top of her back, which I haven’t seen before. I checked the water again tonight, pH is 6.8, nitrates and ammonia are 0. KH 0, GH 180 ( it’s always this high).  My pictures keep attaching upside down, and I am trying to attach a video. One of my other barbs looks red gilled too now, but not as bad. Please help!



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I’ve had the barbs for about 6 months.  After watching more of Cory’s videos I learned a very valuable piece of information.  I have never quarantined new fish and treated them before adding them to my tank.  I believe I will treat my whole tank.  I have her separated and have been treating her but I don’t think it’s dropsy.  It appears that her gill plate may be gone or that her gill is so inflamed, that it just looks like it’s gone.  

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