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Any tips on banana plants?

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I currently have 2 banana plants, but they seem to be just surviving, and not so much thriving. I have gravel substrate and use easy green fertilizer. Would root tabs be better for them? They sprout new leaves that start out looking good and then just fizzle out. Then they will sprout more new leaves, shed the old ones, and then about 2 weeks later the newest leaves start to kinda wilt. Any ideas to help these little guys out?

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Wow! Some of those wild ones got some big ole leaves on them. Ive had mine for about 5-6 months now. Only one of them attempted to shoot a runner up to the top of the tank. It made it about half way up. All my other plants seem fine, do they require more potassium, or maybe phosphates than other plants? The new leaves start out great, nice green color, healthy looking, but slowly start to turn yellow, then get brown dead spots on edges, and die. Every time they sprout new leaves they tease me with hope like they are gonna do their thing, and then flop, nothing. 

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I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions as well. I'm in the same boat, they start healthy then I get brown spots and they die. Consistently have 2-3 nice leaves and 2-3 dying leaves. I had three roots start to anchor, but two died off. I wonder if that's because I don't use root tabs? @Will Billy how are your roots?

I'll be moving this to a new tank with better substrate here soon so I'll see if that helps. I guess a root tab can't hurt.

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34 minutes ago, Socqua said:

I wonder if that's because I don't use root tabs? @Will Billy how are your roots?

I’m not certain, with a few pinholes and discoloration im leaning towards either potassium or phosphate deficiency. Mine have developed roots, but like you stated they started to shoot roots down and then just suddenly stopped. I really want to get to the bottom of this, as these are my absolute favorite plant. I purchased some potassium and phosphate additives already. I shall try this method, and keep you updated. Perhaps they do better in a dirted tank with root tabs. Either way, i will do my best to champion these amazing little plants. It just seems a bit odd that all my other plants are thriving. My anubias is growing new leaves, my java fern is propagating plantlets. My java moss is slowly expanding. My marrimo moss balls are green and just sitting there doing nothing lol. Everything else in my tank seems happy and healthy, but my poor banana plants are struggling in the same environment that everything else seems to be thriving in. Im bound and determined to see this to the end through either experimentation, or help from our wonderful community. I think everyone that likes these unique little plants should be able to enjoy them to the fullest. Maybe they require a bit more potassium or something else. Maybe they do better with mulm all around. I just gotta know how to become a banana plant expert lol. 

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