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Industrial Water for Aquarium?


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Does anyone know if “industrial water” is safe for aquarium fish? This is the kind of water you get in Biology labs and I was wondering if it would be safe to use for an aquarium since there are only Deionized water and Industrial water in the room. I am leaning towards a heavy no, and I don’t have any water test kits (my main concern is heavy metals) in which case, I would just use use DI water and remineralize it with something like wonder shell.
What do you think? 

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Probably not. Deionized water isnt safe or useful unless you are missing in salt for marine tanks.  I ran RODI and its the only way to do saltwater.  

I am thinking about running a sediment filter for the whole house but doing carbon blocks for aquarium water. I think it might be counter productive though. My water is semi hard AFAIK.

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