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Lidless planted tank


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I had to take my lid off to raise my fluval planted 3.0 up to get it to cover to the tank with light for my 20 long  my question is I have a sponge filter and a hob on that tank I lowered the pump with the valve but still seems to be letting bubbles pop up and afraid if it turn it up a little more or will spray water on the stand any advice how to fix this or avoid it TIA! From the great words of peter spread the guppy love! 


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11 minutes ago, Brandy said:

On some aquarium co-op video someone slid lids from clear plastic containers (think like the kind you get with a fountain soft drink cup) over the air hose line to stop excessive splashing. Maybe that would work for you?

Would any plastic lid work ? And @Cory maybe you can make something that would solve this problem lol guaranteed you would make good profit on it 

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