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Sick Neon Tetras


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One of my Neons recently very slowly lost his color and some weight, but other than that has been acting completely normal - I chalked it up to the guy getting old.

But this morning I noticed another healthy-looking neon has developed some weird growths or peeling scales or something? My searches have been fruitless so far...

Thanks so much in advance for any help.


Imgur: The magic of the Internet


GH ~30 mg/L

KH ~0

PH~ 6.5

0 Nitrate

0 Nitrite

0 Ammonia

Stays ~72F



Edited by coffeshopchronicles
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If it were my tank. I'd get the pH closer to 7.0, and get the temp warmer to see if that reduces stress. Now for these tetras they look like they have something going on. I'd put them into QT and use salt or quarantine meds. This is what would be commonly described as "neon tetra disease" usually which means it could be a bunch of different things 😞


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Agh - I had a feeling... Thanks so much for the response!! I remember when this video came out - I'll give it a more attentive watch this time around. This is where I was leaning, but wasn't 100% sure. I'll move them into QT and start them on the trio (already on hand! Thanks for the advice to always have this stuff ready to go)

I'll head out this afternoon to get some crushed coral to increase the PH at the same time, and pick up a second heater to help keep the temps up higher.

Also, I giggled a little at the 'If it were my tank..' because OBVIOUSLY I'm going to do what the man himself suggests.


Thanks again Cory

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I always like to be clear it's what I would do, cause I'm not always right and I make different decisions that others might.  Plus I don't want to tell others what to do. To be fair my track record with neon tetra disease is not great. It's so hard to figure out what is actually going on most of the time 😞

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