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Thick-lipped Gourami Sexing


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Hi guys,
I have got two thick-lipped gouramis and would like to find them a partner. I am sure one of them is a male because he makes bubble nests almost every day. This one I am not sure, it has a kinda pointy dorsal fin but not as pointy as the other male. I have never seen it making bubble nests as well. Can someone help to identify whether it's a he or a she? Thank you.



Edited by bellion
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I can’t tell by the picture (I don’t have any experience with thick-lipped gouramis), but you may be able to tell by the behavior. Does your male fish go up and try to touch the other fish with his feelers? Do they line up with their noses toward each others’ tails? From what I’ve seen with Honeys the males will just try to chase other males out of their territory. They’ll sometimes chase the females but it’s more flirtatious (feelers forward) than aggressive. Until they get eggs in their nest. Then they hate everything. 😅

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When they were in the same tank. The male chased it away most of the time but occasionally they did twist together like nose touching each other’s tail as you mentioned. I guess they won’t be doing that unless they are homosexual? 😅

I moved this one to another tank with lots of floating plants, hoping to see some bubble nests but I have never seen them in the past week. The only it does is chasing my white skirt tetras away. I cannot really tell whether it’s plumped with eggs though

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