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Things rarely work out as I intended


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Recently I’ve been trying to grow Daphnia outside in a 5 gallon bucket with little success. I put in a starter culture of Daphnia I retrieved from my ditch but our weather here has been in the mid-90s for the last two weeks and it fried all the Daphnia.

I set up a second bucket to grow mosquito larva in, but no mosquitoes ever came and laid eggs.

So I was 0 for 2.

Or so I thought. Last weekend I was weeding the garden and throwing the weeds into our wheelbarrow, (which I was too lazy to empty). It rained repeatedly during the course of the week, and when I went out this afternoon you could smell the fetid wheelbarrow from 20 feet away.


On closer inspection however, it had 50+ mosquito larva egg rafts floating amongst the rotting plants. At 100 larva per raft that is something on the order of 50,000 5000 mosquito larva! I fished the egg rafts out with a tablespoon and put them a bowl for transport to a grow-out container.


I went back to my original 5 gallon bucket with no mosquito larva in it and it had turned pea soup green over the course of the week.


So now I’ve got Daphnia inside in a 10 gallon aquarium happily munching on green water. And I’ve got 50,000 5000 potential mosquito larva in the fish room also.


It’s times like this I need to stop and realize that I have a spouse who tolerates worms in the refrigerator and 50,000 mosquito larva in the fish room. I need to do something nice for her today.

Edited by Daniel
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1 minute ago, TheDukeAnumber1 said:

Also I think we should do nice things for our wives irrespective of whether or not there are worms in the fridge. (◔ ⌣ ◔)

I asked if I could do anything nice today, and she said "don't talk to me for a bit, I want to take a nap". That's what she is doing now.

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