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Photo Journal of 30C nano tank

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I realized that I originally posted in General Discussions and didn’t know about this topic section.  This is where I think would be best to keep up with my nano tank journal, and I’m glad to have a space to share this.

I started my second tank 29 days ago, with the intent for it to be a nano tank with shrimps and fish.  I will link to the other post as to not repeat everything in detail, but so far the tank has been doing amazing.   I put in 11 Bloody Mary Neocaridina shrimp 11 days ago, and since then, they have thrived and are spawning a lot!

I got a macro lens that attaches to my phone, so I can take pictures of the tiny little critters without needing to zoom.  I am pretty happy with the results so far. I will share the pictures of my tanks over time, plus the shrimp now.  Afterwards, I plan to add chili rasbora once there is large enough of a shrimp colony.








Edited by tk_yt
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hey I am also starting out a one feet cube nano planted tank just like you and am planning to keep cherry shrimps with some sort of nano fish. so far I have just added aqua soil. lights and plants no creatures yet. hope it turns out as good as yours! 

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Yeah I let the tank run for about 2 1/2 weeks before the ammonia stopped leaching in the water.  I had a bit of hair algae growth but that quickly went away.  I did daily water changes the first week, then every other day for the next week, and I thought that worked well.  I’m sure your tank will turn out great! Enjoy!

On 10/1/2024 at 5:59 PM, Littlefish said:


Very delicate textured, beautiful tank scape.  Following.


Thank you so much! The babies are just growing everywhere, it’s so exciting! I’m still learning but I’m loving this tank so far 🙂

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Day 38 - Upgraded the light to the Chihiros WRGB Slim, and man what a difference it makes to the entire look of the tank! The shrimp are just super red, even the babies are all deep red instead of clear orange.  The colour of the plants pop more too.  I have the setting at 50% brightness and it’s more than adequate lighting.  I will be keeping an eye over the next few days to see if I get algae growth and will adjust.  Am looking forward to see if adding the 1 hour ramp up and down time to the lighting period will make a difference.




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44 days in, and the tinkering has not stopped 🙂 Although I focus on making just very minor changes each time.

Newly added: Aquario Neo Flow - added a surface skimmer with their inline CO2 diffuser directly to the outflow of my lily pipe.  I had to mod a little bit to get the extensions to fit on my own stainless steel lily pipes: I took a small cutout of my 12mm hose and connected the two pieces, they fit like a glove!

Stocking - still just shrimp for now, the babies are growing larger and more small ones are appearing.  The plants are doing well and my carpeting plants are finally starting to spread out.

It took about a month for the catappa leaves to breakdown that the shrimp can eat, so that took a while longer than I expected.

No algae anywhere in the tank, I think the lean fertilization method really works!  I left the algae on the side glass for the shrimp to feast on though.

My next update should include fish, I’m looking to get the chili rasbora to get even more of the red pop in the tank!







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