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Fish Tank Shuffle

Andrew Puhr

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Hi All!

I am moving some currently set-up tanks around in my fish room to better use tanks and make room for additional set-ups. 

Currently have a 60 breeder on a stand, a 75 gallon on the lower part of my rack, and a row of 3 40 gallon breeders on the top shelf of the same rack. 

What I would like to do is move the 75 gallon where the 60 breeder is, using the same stand. Move the 60 breeder to the top shelf of the same rack replacing one of the 40s since I have the space. Put a new 55 where the 75 is and set-up a new 53 gallon in the room. 

The 60 breeder, the 75 gallon, and the 40 breeder all are currently set-up. The fish in the 40 gallon are going to the new 53. 

I am trying to figure out the best way to start the shuffle. Here is my plan but I am open to any ideas or input.

1. Set-up the 53 gallon

2. move the equipment and fish from the 40 to the 53. 

3. Break down the 40. 

4. Move the fish temporarily from the 60 breeder to my quarantine 10 gallons on hand.

5. Drain and breakdown the tank and move to where the 40 was. 

6. Replace the substrate and equipment. 

7. Move the fish back. 

8. Move the fish from the 75 to the quarantine tanks.

9. Drain and breakdown the tank and move to where the 60 was. 

10. Move the fish back.

11. Set-up the 55 where the 75 was. 

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