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Betta Losing Color

Kurt Brutting

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I purchased my female betta online 6 weeks ago. She arrived blue and blackish. She has changed and lost her color in just a few days. I was hoping she was changing into her adult colors because she is so young. But today her fin is a little clamped and she is hiding more than usual. My water parameters and temperature is normal to how I keep my tanks. I am reading up about graphite disease now. I hope this is not it, but does anyone have experience with this disease or any insight is appreciated. I added extra botanicals just in case. 
The 3rd picture below shows the start of the color change on the top of her head. 

PH- 7.6


Nitrites - 0

Ammonia - 0

GH - 150

KH - 150 







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If it were natural colour change the colour would have changed gradually over a period of weeks not just a few days it could have a bacterial component if you don't have snails or shrimp in your tank I would do a course of kanaplex it's a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment if you have shrimp or snails then I would treat with maracyn2 I would also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a beneficial effect 

Edited by Colu
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If it is graphite disease (hopefully not) there's not a lot you can do for it. So, absolutely give him the meds and hopefully It was actually a bacterial infection. At this point you don't have anything to lose.

You might want to contact the seller as well. Not to get a refund or anything. But I'm sure they would want to know if they have a mycoplasma contamination in their stock. If they're a reputable  supplier anyway.

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