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Battery powered aquarium gravel cleaner and water changer

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I have been through 5 of the Fluval ProVac electric gravel vacuums.  The electrical cord does not seem to be very sturdy.  They are great when you first get them but after a month or so the cord seems to get a short in it.  I have to hold the cord a certain way in order for the vacuum to power on and begin working.  This is what has happened to every one of these I’ve owned.  I thought I saw somewhere that Fluval had a battery operated version but can’t seem to find it anywhere online now.  I do have a battery powered EHEIM vacuum but I don’t believe it has the ability to do water changes.  It’s a great gravel cleaner but I also would like the ability to suck out tank water for water changes.  What type of powered gravel vac/water changer does anyone recommend that uses a battery versus a power cord?  I have used electrical tape, tongue depressors and various other items to try to make the electrical cord more sturdy and secure but nothing works.  It’s very frustrating.  Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you! 

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On 9/16/2024 at 4:09 PM, Sparkyrad5150 said:

Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you! 

Put a 9v battery in your front, left pants pocket, suck the end of the siphon tube with your mouth to get the water flowing, place other end inside a bucket.

I joke, but I'm also serious!

Sometimes the high-tech stuff can be more of a hassle than it's worth, and the tried and true, simple methods that people have been doing for decades are the most reliable. 

Have you looked into the Python water changing stuff? A lot of people here use it and swear by it. No power required.

Edited by tolstoy21
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I like the ability to clean the tank without having to do a water change.   Just to get the junk out so it doesn’t build up.  The python would be a great option if I just wanted to clean the gravel while changing the water, right?  But how do you use it if you just want to clean the tank but not change the water?  Is there a way to filter the water and return it to the tank?  I’ll take a look at it and see how they actually work as I never really considered using one.

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