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Indian meal moths mystery


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I have a bad pantry moth infestation but I can't find the source.  It's not in the pantry. All the typical meal moth food sources are in there but not a single moth caught in our traps. 

Most moths are caught around our fireplace. 

Any clue on how to tackle this?  How do we find the source? 

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Not that we could find.   We had our fireplace inspected to see if they find any nesting in there. It was all clear. If you saw the amount of moths caught in and around the fireplace, and compare it to the traps elsewhere you'd be convinced they were nesting in the fireplace. 

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Yeah, those are so annoying. And impossible to find sometimes. All it takes is a tiny pin hole in a product bag. Do you keep any kind of pet food or birdseed around the fireplace? Or anything like that, really. Sometimes they come directly from the store. The eggs are too small to sieve out of any product they get into. 

we get those, angoumois grain moths, and saw toothed grain beetles. None of which do much besides spoil a little produce. But are immensely irritating. Especially when you can’t find the source. 

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