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Oh, well, I suppose I should do an intro

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Hey all,

I already posted a topic that is generating some discussion but figured I should do an intro too. 

I've kept goldfish in the past, and currently have 3.

But I am just getting into tropicals. I am setting up a 40 gallon breeder (see my previous post) for Von Rio Tetras, Peppered Corys, probably dwarf pencilfish, and perhaps something else.

I also have a planted 20 long that is almost done cycling that will be a single species tank for Hyphessobrycon heliacus. At least to start. I'm working on getting those in a few weeks ideally.

Outside of the hobby I am a middle school teacher and have a farm with chickens, quail, and angora goats. 

I live in rural Maine. 

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Can I ask about your username? Do you like retro stuff? Also super cool to see more forestry people on this forum!!!!!! Makes me so so so happy. Thank you for teaching as well! It isn't an easy job. Would you ever consider having an aquarium in your classroom? One of my favorite teachers (who actually gave me my 30gallon tank for free with all the equipment) has a 125 gallon aquarium in her class with co2, beautifully dutch aquascape with some type of tetra (black skirts maybe...? I forget exactly but a larger type), angels, and a stunning pleco variety. Whenever I visit my HS I always go and see her and her tank. She really inspires me in this hobby!

Could we see some pics of your goats and birds? I love animals lol

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On 9/12/2024 at 1:25 PM, clownbaby said:

Can I ask about your username? Do you like retro stuff?

So my username is actually the scientific name for a type of tree species, a conifer from New Caledonia. 

It is a rheophyte, which means it grows in running water and is an obligate inhabitant of aquatic environments such as streams. 

I am working on the permitting to import seeds of the species and attempt to grow it indoors in an aquarium system. It's just one of my favorite trees globally. 

On 9/12/2024 at 1:25 PM, clownbaby said:

Would you ever consider having an aquarium in your classroom?

I can't. I work at an alternative middle school and we rent our space from the community center in town. It gets used for other things some evenings and weekends. 

and yes I will definitely come back to this thread later with some photos of the animals. 

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On 9/12/2024 at 1:32 PM, Retrophyllum_minus said:

Here's some chicken photos 






And here's some goat photos








Oh my goodness, I am going to cry. Your animals are beautiful. So well groomed! It is always an amazing sight to me when someone manages to have their chickens not-so-dusty. I would just love to pet them and hold them! So amazing golly om goodness !!!

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On 9/13/2024 at 12:31 PM, clownbaby said:

Oh my goodness, I am going to cry. Your animals are beautiful. So well groomed! It is always an amazing sight to me when someone manages to have their chickens not-so-dusty. I would just love to pet them and hold them! So amazing golly om goodness !!!

They aren't always dust free hahaha. Or so well groomed. But they are pretty happy and healthy overall. I had a goat get stuck in a fence today and get some burdock burrs in her fiber before I got her out today. Sigh. But she's okay and my stress levels are lowering. 

On 9/12/2024 at 1:25 PM, clownbaby said:

Also super cool to see more forestry people on this forum!!!!!!

Are you a forestry person, too? I meant to ask that!

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On 9/15/2024 at 2:13 PM, Retrophyllum_minus said:

They aren't always dust free hahaha. Or so well groomed. But they are pretty happy and healthy overall. I had a goat get stuck in a fence today and get some burdock burrs in her fiber before I got her out today. Sigh. But she's okay and my stress levels are lowering. 

Are you a forestry person, too? I meant to ask that!

Currently studying forestry! Right now it's just community college while I save up a bit more but yes, I am very excited to work in forestry. I love nature and outdoorsy stuff. The forests here in Washington are just my favorite!

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On 9/15/2024 at 7:32 PM, clownbaby said:

Currently studying forestry! Right now it's just community college while I save up a bit more but yes, I am very excited to work in forestry. I love nature and outdoorsy stuff. The forests here in Washington are just my favorite!

I did my associates at Seattle Central before moving back to Maine and eventually finishing my BS and then my MS here. Lived out there for a few years. Half my family is from the Puget Sound area. 

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